Can a villager give you Unbreaking 3? - Gamers Wiki (2024)

Unbreaking I, Unbreaking II, and Unbreaking III can be acquired using an enchanting table, by fishing, finding an enchanted book in dungeon chests, and by trading with a librarian villager.

Can you get Unbreaking 3 from a villager?

Make a villager trading post, keep breaking and replacing the lectern until you get unbreaking III. You need to take a jobless villager and transport him to a location 45+ blocks away from the village so he doesn’t pick up jobs from the existing settlement.

What is the highest Unbreaking level from a villager?

The maximum level for the Unbreaking enchantment is Level 3.

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Can you get Thorns 3 from a villager?

Thorns III cannot be directly obtained using an enchanting table, but it can be obtained by using an anvil to combine two Thorns II enchantments, by trading with villagers, but now you can get a rare trade of a Thorns III enchantment from trading or you could get it by finding an item enchanted with it from the loot …

Can a librarian sell Thorns 3?

I use villager librarians to get more targeted books. A librarian can get Thorns III, Fortune III, Sharpness V, Power V and a lot of other nice enchantments at level 1..

Minecraft has a Mending Problem… || Villager Trading Update!

Can you have thorns and Unbreaking 3?

You need to enchant books to the desired level, and you can combine Protection, Thorns, Unbreaking and Mending books together and it is safe to enchant without going over the cap. Just make sure each enchantment is separate first before combining them.

Can a level 1 villager have mending?

Mending can be the first trade a Librarian villager has, so there’s no need to level up a villager to unlock Mending from a higher tier trade.

How rare is an Unbreaking 3 villager?

If that book is randomly an unbreaking enchant, there is a 1/3 chance that you will get the level 3 version since that is the highest level of unbreaking enchant.

Is Unbreaking 4 a thing?

The maximum level for the Unbreaking enchantment is Level 3. This means that you can enchant an item with up to Unbreaking III. The higher the level, the more powerful the enchantment.

Is Unbreaking 3 worth it with mending?

Mending AND Unbreaking III is what you would want on any piece equipment like base enchantments, as Mending makes them last for as long as you keep earning experience points while wearing or holding the item, even in your left hand slot.

Is Unbreaking 3 the best Unbreaking?

Durability with the Unbreaking enchantment is a bit complex and follows an equation, but on average, base Unbreaking will let items last twice as long, Unbreaking II enchanted items will last three times as long, and Unbreaking III will let tools and armor last four times as long.

What is the highest feather falling?

Feather Falling is an enchantment for Boots, and the highest level is IV. It reduces fall damage by a little for every level. This enchantment is very useful for cave explorations, where a large drop that would normally kill you will only damage you.

Why won’t my villager accept a job?

Villagers link to beds and won’t take a job unless they have one. You will need 1 bed per villager. They do not need to be able to access this bed though, they only need to be linked to it. So you could set up an area within a close distance to where your Villagers are and then set up Beds.

What are the odds of a librarian having mending?

So, it’s a 1/2 chance to get a book instead of a bookshelf, and 1/36 for it to be Mending. Combining them together, you get a 1/2 * 1/36 = 1/72 chance to have Mending in the first slot.

Is Unbreaking 2 worth it?

Unbreaking causes tools to take durability damage only 100/(level+1)% of the time. For Unbreaking I, tools take damage 50% of the time, so your effective durability is 2x. For Unbreaking II, tools take damage 33% of the time, so the effective durability is 3x.

What does Unbreaking 3 do?

Unbreaking. As the name suggests, this enchantment greatly improves the durability of tools, weapons, and pieces of armor. It basically gives said items the chance to not use up a durability point when they normally would. Higher tiers or levels of this enchantment increase the likelihood of this happening.

Can Unbreaking and mending go together?

Mending and unbreaking can be on all weapons/tools together.

However some enchants like infinity cannot go on a bow with mending.

How many blocks can Unbreaking 3 break?

2 33.3%, unb 3 25% chance the durability will be consumed, essentially doubling, tripling or quadrupling the durability (albeit with a randomness-based imprecision) – Unbreaking 3 diamond pickaxe can on average break 6248 blocks.

What if the librarian is not giving mending?

If the captured villager doesn’t have the Mending book trade, players can steal back the lectern, replace it and then return the Librarian profession to the villager. Then players will be able to trade with them again and try for a Mending book.

Why is mending so good?

Mending is one of the most powerful enchantments in Minecraft that essentially allows the players to restore the durability of certain items and make them stronger with the help of EXP (experience) orbs. A Mending enchantment can be applied to a wide range of items, including tools, weapons, books, and more.

What should I put mending 1 on?

Usually, you can combine Mending with just about any tool or piece of armor, even the Trident and Elytra, which are both fairly good items to put Mending on since their repair costs are high or they cannot otherwise be repaired. However, keep in mind that Mending cannot be combined with a bow that has Infinity.

Where can I get Unbreaking 3?

Unbreaking I, Unbreaking II, and Unbreaking III can be acquired using an enchanting table, by fishing, finding an enchanted book in dungeon chests, and by trading with a librarian villager.

Does Thorns ignore unbreaking?

If multiple armor pieces are enchanted with Thorns, the durability penalty is applied to one piece chosen at random, regardless of what level of Thorns that piece has. If the item is also enchanted with Unbreaking, the damage penalty has a chance of being ignored.

Does Unbreaking 3 increase durability?

Durability with the Unbreaking enchantment is a bit complex and follows an equation, but on average, base Unbreaking will let items last twice as long, Unbreaking II enchanted items will last three times as long, and Unbreaking III will let tools and armor last four times as long.

Can a villager give you Unbreaking 3? - Gamers Wiki (2024)


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