Chapter 52 - A Second Chance with My Billionaire Love - Novel Palace (2024)

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A steady stream of toasts accompanied by flattery would make anyone dizzy.

But not Halston. He remained steadfast, his cold eyes unreadable. The regal air he exuded was a far cry from the crude air around the other businessmen.

At that moment, a young voice cautiously said, “Although Mr. Guajardo is incredible, there are many rising stars lately. Take Liam Osborne, the young son of Geronimo Osborne, for example. The Azure Group he runs is on a roll right now!”

In the midst of all the flattery, the voice stood out like a sore thumb, and could almost be considered blasphemy. As a result, the person who said it was mercilessly ridiculed.

“What the hell do you know? Liam Osborne is just a playboy. He does nothing but pick up girls all day. How can he compare to Young Master Guajardo?”

A slight frown crept onto Halston’s face. He finally opened his mouth to say something. “Azure Group?”

The young man quickly said, “Yes, Mr. Guajardo. My family runs a venture capitalist business, so I’ve specifically studied that company…”

“Although Azure Group was only founded recently and it’s not that large, it has been developing rapidly. It’s not a shell company that Young Master Osborne uses to pick up girls like everyone thinks it is. It has a very bright prospect!”

The crowd was about to berate him again but Halston said coldly, “Tell me more.”

The young man continued, “My claim that Azure Group has a bright future isn’t groundless… Do you know that their business partners are all clients who terminated their contract with I! Group some time ago?”

This information instantly caught the attention of many sly old foxes in the crowd. They began to show interest in this emerging company.

Halston also fell into deep contemplation.

Elijah had told him about the company before, but he did not think much of it.

To be precise, he did not take that brat Liam Osborne seriously.

But now, not only was that brat trying to steal Halston’s woman, he was trying to steal Halston’s clients too. Halston was seeing him in a new light!

The young man glanced at Halston and said cautiously, “There’s something else besides that, but I’m not sure if I should say it…”

Halston coldly said, “Say it.”

“This morning, your wife suddenly appeared in Floating Cloud Villa to talk to the chairman of South Group. We all thought she came on behalf of H Group…”

“However, she actually gave a generous gift to Mr. South on behalf of Azure Group. Mr. South was very happy and is supposedly ready to cooperate with Azure Group now!”

This information again surprised everyone.

Halston’s wife had actually helped out Liam Osborne’s company. Now this… was a bit awkward!

Someone boldly took the initiative to soften the atmosphere. “That sounds like a whole lot of nonsense. There must be some misunderstanding. Mrs. Guajardo is known as a model wife. There’s no way…”

Halston slightly swirled the glass of red wine in his hand. There was not much emotion in his cold, handsome face.

“It doesn’t matter. She can do what she wants.”

He spoke indifferently.

Right then, the young man took out his phone and typed out a sentence: “I’ve told him the things you wanted me to say, you can come in now!”

About ten minutes later, a waitress in a cheongsam led Jane South into the Swan Hall.

“I finally get to see you again, Halston. You can’t avoid me this time!”

She went straight to Halston’s left side. The person sitting to Halston’s left was very tactful and immediately offered his seat.

Everyone in Beach City knew that Jane South, the future heir of South Group and the pampered only child of Jerome South, was crazy about Halston Guajardo.

H Group and South Group were strategic partners that had cooperated for many years.

The two young people were comparable in age and family background. A marriage between them seemed like a matter of certainty.

But a certain Flossie Ellsworth suddenly appeared out of nowhere…

“Halston, you’ve grown even more handsome since the last time I saw you. You have no idea how much I’ve missed you. All I could dream about was you…”

As soon as Jane South came in, her eyes had never left Halston. She intimately grabbed his arm and said coquettishly, “How could you be so cruel? We’re childhood friends, but as soon as you got married, you stopped hanging out with me. How could you?!”

Halston’s face was cold. His sharp gaze swept through the banquet as he asked in an unhappy tone, “This is a private dinner. Who told her about it?”

Everyone lowered their heads and remained silent.

Jane South felt humiliated, her cheeks burning red with anger. “Halston, is this really necessary? I’m not a monster. Why do you try so hard to avoid me?”

A smile full of schadenfreude suddenly appeared on her face. She said hurriedly, “You have the awareness of a married man, but the same can’t be said for your wife unfortunately. She looks dignified and dutiful on the outside, but she’s not an honest woman at all. If she hadn’t admitted it herself today, I wouldn’t have known she’s such a promiscuous woman. It’s unbelievable. I feel bad for you, Halston!”

Halston asked, “What did she admit?”


Jane South looked at the crowd, pretending to hesitate.

Everyone instantly understood. They all stood up and said goodbye.

Soon, only Halston and Jane were left in the spacious hall.

Jane was very excited. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time. She wished she could just jump onto Halston. “Halston, I finally get to be alone with you again. I…”

“Five minutes.”

Halston’s voice was cold and impatient.

It’s not that he had anything against Jane South personally, he was just not too fond of being overly intimate with women. He especially hated to be touched by wornen.

And he found Jane South, who was really clingy and liked to make all kinds of contact with him, very annoying.

Jane was so mad that she wanted to curse, but she tried to calm herself down.

Because she believed that Halston’s attitude towards her would do a complete 180 soon.

“Halston, I have a video here. You’ll understand everything after you watch it.”

Jane took out her phone and played the video she recorded.

It was actually a video of Flossie.

Halston stared at the phone screen, his eyes getting colder and colder.

The Flossie in the video said, “As long as you’re willing to persuade your father to sign the contract with Azure Group, I’ll agree to your request to divorce Halston, and I’ll never see him again.”

Jane carefully observed Halston’s reaction and added, “I don’t know what Miss Everfrost was thinking. I just casually mentioned that I could help her, and she immediately agreed to film this video. She never considered how you would feel at all. This also shows how much she loves

Liam Osborne. She’s willing to go to such lengths for him!”

Halston’s expression was cold and he remained silent. His deep eyes showed no emotion. He just kept staring at the phone screen.

Jane continued, “But she’s such a fool. I’m not actually gonna help her. Since I like you so much, if I were going persuade my father, of course I would persuade him to keep cooperating with H Group. There’s no way I would let her benefit…’

“Moreover, because I just can’t stand how disloyal she is to you, I taught her a lesson. She’s probably scared out of her wits right now while regretting some of her life choices!” Halston’s eyes turned cold and he snapped, “What did you do to her?”

Floating Cloud Villa.

During the day, the primeval forest with dense vegetation was a natural oxygen bar for the wealthy, a place for them to take vacations and recuperate. However, during the night, it was a dangerous place where all kinds of wild beasts roamed,

At the center of the forest was a sealed underground bunker surrounded by vines and thorns. Few people came to this area. Right now, it was emitting a faint blue light which looked like ghost fire in the dark night.

Rence was sitting at the bottom of the hole. The humid air carried a musty smell, and occasionally mice and co*ckroaches would crawl past her. Her delicate little face was expressionless. She was calm.

Heh, that fool Jane South thought that if she tricked Flossie into this air-raid shelter and locked her in, she would be teaching Flossie a lesson.

However, Flossie’s grandfather had taught her survival skills in the wild when she was little. This environment was no doubt a nightmare for ordinary people, but for her, it was nothing

In truth, Rence had a hundred ways to escape, but she did not.

Not only did she not escape, she even intentionally made herself look like she was in a miserable state, like she was about to die at any moment.

Flossie rubbed the ground with a stone to start a fire, then made use the light to write on the wall with a stone.

“10, 9, 8, 7…”

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New Book: Disdained Son-in-Law, Destined Riches

When Joe's foster mother required a million dollars for surgery, he turned to the Wilson family for help. They rejected the good-for-nothing son-in-law and planned to marry off his wife to another wealthy man. At his lowest point, a mysterious benefactor deposited ten billion dollars into his account.

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Chapter 52 - A Second Chance with My Billionaire Love - Novel Palace (2024)


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.