Enterprise-Record from Chico, California (2024)

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Chico, California

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CUM rCMffl FtrtpmrlgeReford Thursday Oct 12 IT! Pan SI) Work Wanted SApte for Rwif llnfum 11 Bldg SuppliM Contracted It DIAL FAMILY BIBLE Call 343-7997 Foreign Countries Are Hard On Youths Dealing in Drugs TRAINED REACT IAL nurse WIN TOWN HOUSE I htrarara carpets tetorsnees S400 monthly drspsTE skTSSEto daposJL Call Coming S24an Phene 3414243 SHAKLEE PRODUCTS Basic cltaning products toad pltmwrti natural organic bsoutv axis to tetri! traa Plans for to Begin Early WATER WELLS drilled Now inexpensive method SI 50 per oat Also lance poet holes drilled to 3' I depth S3 each Advanced reservations only 30 par uni discount to Ural 10 customers Jock ot 3434571 before noon delivery Call or 1414514 LADIES SI7JI pamt Id SO Open 7 days Thun and Frl awninax Ben-ntonw iSll4571f HOUSE PAINTING S3 an hour NEWLY REDECORATED 1 Mt Rw lob Otder col lees I bedroom Carpoflnq refrigerator veers experience I ranee air condition In Married Coll 345-1441 couple no pets or children 5102 vAnur iuiew month Available new Goodman YOUNG WIFE nan lob lm- KMlty Call 1434041 PEARL LOBEL RE ELECTROLYSIS TREATMENTS Private Oflka Unwanted hair pewnanenfty ramoveo 744 FLUME ST 14S4K3 ar 1450972 Farm Equipment Supplies 19 SPECIAL You cannot duallcato this quality permanent anywhere al twice Ihto price S79S with haircut and sham pool Warner SI Beauty Shoo 343 5441 II no answer COM 3434147 medlotaty Would Ilk to trained Into retail store or IGLENWOOD APARTMENTS -iNEW S3 roll 12" mesh business Can work adding New 2 bedroom dishwasher wit for pickup machine 1200 vll Sor private patialralairandheat used roll 5100 Phone Gridley 044- typewrlter Call 343-3012 Married cousde preferred 514451 $903 alter 7 pm MERLE NORMAN COSMETICS STUDIO RARE month Call 142-121 or 343 4727 Avallabia Nov HI LATE Mrs Percy (Leona) GorhoMt Phone 342 0442 Full line of skin car Closed Mon end Thurs LINCOLN-KENNEDY DOCUMENT Illustration of 45 asloni-hino factual experiences Identically lived by both President! 5200 World Products Ltd 305 Howard Aw Vallcio Calif t45to telp Wantad MODEL Goodwin pickup machine with Improved header tor CICDD1 MiklAD I almonds or walnuts 52000 Phan NEEDED Babysitter and I jltnnA MANUK I Gridley 144-5)03 aftar 7 pm GHT34314B between tedroom unfurnished actotti TEN CATTLE feeders jn excellent insurant only Call 145601 conditon 5500 each Call Californio Park 1434411 between am 4 pm EXCHANGE BABYSITTING wanted 2417 Marines SHERIDAN MANOR RECEPTIONIST FOR tots lw Typlno filing 5425 to start Send tedroom unfurnished 1710 Shorl-rosumo- to PO Bax 1297 Chico I Call 142-0601 iPECIAL SALE swim all season Solar fwoter and solar Dome Included with oil peoli purchased this fall at no extra cast Elae-t ml' vaie- hurnc at special fall iprices complete from I245 No terms Leisure Time Pools Ph Paradise 17-214 1 or 3424447 NEW YORK (UPI) As soon as a teen-ager hits high school lots to do if college is ahead According to Bernice Einstein author of "Einstein's 1972-73 College Entrance (Grosset and Dunlap) the plan goes like this: grade Develop the labit of working to capacity in a 1 school subjects Learn how study TYy to improve reading comprehension and speed Improve vocabulary Start a college savings account into which you put money from after-school and summer jobs grade Read college lulletins and catalogs Get I tern at the library or write those you want to keep BOLENS HUSKY walk garden tractor Will do discing harrowing plowing Fully adjustable heavy duty unit 3 hp BBS (twine Call 343-5057 Too Many Tickets? SR-22 FILINGS AUTO INSURANCE PAY BY THE MONTH BOB RAKER WANTED Lady to car fori PARADISE Board room I beautiful new 1 and I bedroom salary Call 1434101 pts Dishwasher eartaoe CUSTOM HARVESTIN'' Wiimto- carpets drapes dub almonds Shake and catch and howsa sauna bath pool and tennis mechanical pick op Boom courts Sll-50 to 1172 50 Paradisal (baking Hulling and drying 177-4911 1 Pact age deals GrWav Mt-3054 or 146 445 MANAGER EXPERIENCE in ladios ready to wear Apply Jay Vao 51 ore North Villay Plsu 343 S77I EAST AVE CHICO JOURNEYMAN MACHINIST Requires extensive use of lathe andl millina machines Wrox Products! Inc 233 Mver SI Call 147 3546 FOREST GLENN I IN FORD tractor With Sherman Now renting lor Oct 15th occupancy! transmission Olsen Box Scraper Schools I ns true Training 5 little Rhine Made S1100 Back hoe buckets International 36" -and 12" 1144 Laburnum Ave Chico PAINTING PAPERHANGING repair work teosonablt hourly rate Coll Or land 545-311 1 -bedroom unfurnished 5145 per month 2 -bed room unfurnished SlteSO Corn- of Plllsbury and Cchassct Resident manager 343-6111 office 142-0112 RECEPTIONIST FOR toe Must type Salary open Submit I resume to Dept 5B co En- terprise -Record Want Ads have TREE TRIMMING tapping and removals Guaranteed and insured Don Ledford 3431411 JOURNEYMAN FORD technician hIGNELL TAPIE PROPERTY MGT needed Good pay benefits end Sfygg-ijdar far fa" bring you AVAILABLE EARLY mormnol 3BEDR00M APT Iiroe both cash for idle items "SS shower over Itw tub kitchen Paradis resident with economical! qinina art pool Phene 1431263 gO gold pow- car Cali Paradisa 172-142! 1 Heavy Equipment AUTHORIZED PROGRESSIVE ser ies piano teacher For lessons In piano and Music Theory Coll 1430647 INCOME TAX CLASSES Now forming Please call for in-fcrmcticn 345-0514 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING furnished WJNTED FULLTIME legal trainee 1 -bedroom apt Sjitabl tor 1 or Excellent taping end shwthand adults only No required Pleas apply at 645 gth si BANK OUT informers make monej two ways by selling narcotic' and then trying to blackmai the buyer or collecting reward: by tipping off customs ot Elliot said American Express as a public service reprinted US State Dcpartmen' booklet with travel tips for young Americans and is distributing more than 500000 copies free through cooperating itirlines and travel agencies While the drug scene has been getting most of the attention and deser-vingly Elliot said there were other problems for youths traveling abroad the excitement of travel many first-time travelers lose their natural prudence" he said people meeting other young people tend to be trusting and as a consequence are careless about their He said leave cameras clothing musical instruments as a and that goes also for your money passport or return Most young travelers know by now they should cany funds in the form of travelers checks Elliot said They can be replaced without loss if the company is notified promptly when lost or stolen recently there have been a rash of cases of youthful travelers being swindled by people offering to sell them travelers checks or foreign currency at bargain prices or cut-rate airline which turn out to be counterfeit or stolen" he said corner and black market deals with strangers are laws in foreign countries are stringent and penalties can be severe When it comes to youth Elliot should know whereof he speaks He was for many years manager of the American Express office in Paris an almost traditional port of call for generations of young American travelers in Europe By MURRAY Brawi (UP( Travd HMr) An American youth recently was sentenced to five years in jail hy a court in Thailand for possession of LSD An 'American girl is waiting trial in Italy on drug charges that could get her up to eight years behind bars Actually these are only two of the hundreds of young Americans who have found out the hard way that foreign governments are not more permissive than the United States about drug use smuggling or trafficking According to the US Stale Department more than 900 Americans are being held in foreign jails The fact of the matter is that possession or sale of illegal drugs overseas is punishable by stiff fines long-term imprisonment and even in Iran by death And a US pgssport does not make one immune to arrest and prosecution if the holder breaks the laws This was part of the message delivered to yotdhs and their parents during a 20-city tour through the United States by Maxwell Elliott who has lived worked and traveled in Europe and the Far East for over 40 years Elliott now director of In--ternational Public Affairs for American Express said that 0 wherever young people gather the word is being spread around: out of hassles with the At an interview during a New York stopover on his way back to his headquarters in France Elliott said: a mistaken impression around that foreign drug law enforcement is less stringent than in the United States Not so Prosecutions have been intensified in many countries and penalties can range from expulsion to heavy 'fines plus imprisonment (or up 4o life in some cases" He said that in some countries drug pushers are also Normal Chico STORY BOOK NURSERY SCHOOL 794 THIRD AVENUE PHONE 343-SOU OR VISIT White Ik track with seif -unloading TWO ROOMS 75 plus utilities In bulk tank extra sat of new tricks rear Restricted district tor quiet good condition S1500 Paradise 177- valley Truck I Tractor Co 4046 eve or 477-4437 I Colusa Hiwav Yuba City 6734241 RELIABLE MIDDLE aead lady to ive in and help with small ml home Good salary open Call 142- Little People's Nursery Forawry Happy House now raglo-terlno lor loll sessions Coll 343-5551 or 3474147 EXPERIENCED PERSON tar fronf COUNTRY VISTA APTS desk In oft Ice hsurwict 3bedreom furnished carpet drapes and b-fifna -5 pm tn Paradise built-ins carport and peel gas Call attitr 1:30 pjn 177-4092 water and garbage paid No chll-1 pels Call 343-4151 341-1 345-1204 LATE-MODEL TRUCKING LOGGING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AUCTION 11 AM THURS OCT 26 6457 NE COLUMBIA BLVD PORTLAND OREGON Work Wanted EXPERIENCED NURSES akk porttkMi Apply at Beverly Manor Convalescent Hoipital 1MHenBnnu Cohasut Lon dren or 775 or lovtly furnishings Community Hoipilal Car-draped has dishwasher! (24) TRUCK-TRACTORS Trucks to WOMAN 24 seeks part-time employment Versatile Phone 343 6596 EXPERIENCED KITCHEN lx wantad mainly dlth-up Apply at 5225 Skyway between 12 and 4 pm disposal and GE built-in stove Central air and heat free cable TV central hot water carport Adults S1S6 Call 343-021 GARAGE TRASH HAULING Rototilling yard clean-up gravel sand hauling Wcstphal 3435717 INDEX OF CLASSIFICATIONS This Max to arrinood In alphabetical order within malor business roups tor your -on-van lance The LiassHIcatlons appear In trkal ardor in llw won' bettor ANNOUNCEMENTS Business Services Nolicei I Lost and Found Personeli 2 Professional Services 4 Schools Instruction Training 5 Insurance 3 AUTOMOTIVE Aircraft iU Automobiles Now Used 44 Auto Service Parts Accessories 41 Autos Truck! Wonted 42 Heavy Equipment 20 Mobile Homes aO Motorcycles Scooters 25A Trucks Traitors 43 Vacation TroJers Camper ft EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted 7 Salespeople Wanted Work Wpntad A FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 34 Loins Wanted 31 Money to Loan 11 MERCHANDISE Building Supplies Contractors II Firm Produce 34 Food FuoL Fortnbor 23 Firewood 23 Furniture Appliances tar Sato Wantad to Buy 31 Livestock Poultry Poll 31 Miscellaneous tor Sal 24 Misc Wanted to Buy 21 Musical Instruments 27 Nursery Stock Stod 73 Office Furniture Supplies Fill 71 Sport! Guns Busts ate 25 Swaps A RANCH and FARM Farm Equipmant Supplies If REAL ESTATE Out-af-Toten Real Estate 35 Real Estate for Rent ISA Reel Eilato tor Sato 37 Wanted to BuyLesse Rail Estate 35 Mobil Home ParkiSites a RENTALS Apto tor Rant FurnMwd 13 Apts for Rant Unfurnished 11 Buildings Otticss for Rent IS Duptaxes for Rent 13 Houses tor Rant Furnished 15 Houses tor Kant Unfumistwd 14 Roam Room and Board to Wonted to Rant Houses Offices Buildings 17 EXPERIENCED COOK wanted tor an Italliin and saa food restaurant ssu'w-rfsau sp town and country 251! MOTHER WOULD like to babysit in her home days Prefer preschoolers See at 42 Rinchita Wav Kosedale School area RENTALS 164: Whit Freightliners Peter-bills Mack! Ford! () 196 Ford A Chav Pickups (ID) TRAILERS: Lowboys Lagging Chip Trailer! (7) CRANES: Link-Bait on Cat Plpe-linar undercarriage Bay City Austin-Western Droit (2) LOG SKIDDERS: 173 Cat 511 Franklin 170B (3) GRADERS: Cat 12F Cat 12 Adam (3) CAT TRACTORS: D7-E D7-I7A D4-14A (2) CRAWLERS LOADERS: Cat 55H Allis-Chalmcra HD7-G 10x6C Office Trailer (2) Asphalt Distributors Cat Clearing Blades Bros vibro actor 60-KW Diesel Generator Set For illustrated cataloa contact: MAX ROUSE A SONS AucHonaari 361 So Robertson Btad Beverly Hill! Calif 1211 Phono (ill) 653300 202 LADY OR retired couplt with own transportation to lira in with tlderiy lady Some IMIvugn houstkeeaing 5150 per m-ntti plus board and room 1437226 after 5 pm evenings and weekends APARTMENT FURNISHED 774 East Ave 342 CHRISTIAN MOTHER wilhes to core for companions for 1 year ok) son Lunch and snacks Included Coll 345-1I06 oiler 4:30 pm IN SERVICE training director lor 1 2-bedroom partly furnished $16! It bed acute hospital Three 1111 3rd St years ex serien'a and a BS deqreel Poankxt has excellent! HOUSES UNFURNISHED liberal CLEAN-UP JOBS TRASH HAULING longer Read about entrance requirements of colleges in which you are interested Go over your schedule with your guidance counselor and plan to add necessary courses to your schedule next year Continue working on reading and study skills Read an extra bod: week or a month grade Check the most recent college bulletins See which programs or major like most to take and gure if you meet the requirements Take tests recommended These may be the College Entrance Examination Board's Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and-or the Achievement Trots known to your parents as College Boards the American College 'esting Program (ACT) For regular admissions it is advisable to take the achievement tests in the spring or summer the subjects you are completing in your junior year In the second half of Hie 11th grade make a list of colleges which you want to apply possible visit these colleges in late April or early May when classes are in session grade During the summer proceeding your senior year send for' applications for admission and if you are applying for financial aid also get those applications Discuss college choice with high school adviser Vary your selection so hat you do not apply only to righly competitive institutions By Dec 15 file your college applications Take the require! college entrance tests at an early testing date so your scores will reach the colleges time Inquire about Educational Loans federa state college private Keep in mind that loans are grante only after acceptance by the college By April you win know where you have and have not een accepted (With CALL 1434024 potential Salary span plus benefit! Send resume to Margaret 3-badraom house unfurnished Summv Director of Nurslnq den) $16! Chi ca Community Memorial Hospital 50 Cohassat Rd Chical BUILDINGS Cl 9592! 1432411 1 DUILUlINLaS lUvwtock Poultry Pets 21 Offices tor rent Call 3434774 er 343- UkC GOLDEN Ratriaver pups 5 months aid Call Oriand 463294 Duplexes for Rent 111 to place your classifiel Aft DIAL 1432421 THE FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITIES IN OFFICE AND CREDIT MANAGEMENT 2-BEDROOM unfurnished central! BLACK LABS registered 14 wraka air and heat But Lin appltanct! eld S5! Call Paradisa 17734! fireplace patio Adult only ip pate 114! Call 143411! fiLEe 1 14 Pktn9sa pup! Sell The EXTRA Radio TV Set Appliance For Cash Enterprise-Record Phone 342-2421 Australians Have Driiriting Problem Firestone has Immadiaf opanines I for applicants looking for a to- 1 tore In Ihe (laid of Office andl Credit woik with tha chance to advance in manigement A back- round to Credit work pr exper- UNFURNISHED LARGE clean FREE KITTENS 6 waeks old 6247 lenre in retail operations di- bedroom cooler plenty of Oak Way Paradis Call Paradisa trabl Excellent salary bonus and storage hardwood ftoora private $77-424 employee benefits Cwtvantenf day and evening inter-1 SRtoUnS'lto? SJd views will be arranged rad Martas and Corning 124-1512 Call Paradisa 477-6444 ti Call tor your confidential Interview today! FIRE-STONE STORES SS5 East Ave RN Good benefits Phona 34313C6 FREE TO a loving family a 1 year old mala Shephard mix Gentle Phan 343459! MOVING? I CALL BRADY'S MAYFLOWER MALE ST Barnard $75 and female 342-1869 Paradise 877-5404 st Bernard six Nat pui! chi I Oravilie 533011 Salaipaopb Wanted jHouws for Rut Unfurn 14 1 purebred MING Siamese Seal- point kiltem six weeks aid 52! Call 343251! THE KEY TO HOME AND BUSINESS SERVICES EXPERIENCED USED auto' salesman Cammlselan Inland 3BEDR00M (Irtpiace garage with I Motors tKh and Park 342-429 I pirk-Hke salting S1I5 plus deposit free PUPPIES black Lib and PERSQN VANTED to train as Call Paradise 17703 German Slwphard Call Paradisa 177-321 haarm ala consultant Direct sales PARADISE ONE bedroom mobile! commission Call home modara 13 wide natural board HORSES private stall itjvaand refriraritw- Laroe pasture riding area 15 miles ESTABLISHED CUSTOMERS Yard 111! Paradise 1770457 No South of Chin Call 3430315 after Parttime 55070 fulltime mm cii ltttf 3 Sit- I 5 Pm SYDNEY Australia (UPIV-Half the men and a third of the women in Australia are according to a three-year study of alcoholism made for the National Health and Medical Research Council The study conducted by 1 sociologist Prof Sol Encel was reported along with another by the Victorian Employers' Association that said the cure for a was the threat of being fired Encel's study dealt in detail with heavy drinking among women He said his research Brought him to the conclusion that neavy drinking by Austra-J -lian women was closely related to their heavy use of prescription drugs pills and sedatives He also found that tiie wealthier women become the more they drink said Encel is a definite relationship between brandy and boredom particularly among suburbanite wo- men They feel isolated as their 'Children go off to school and to Ttw following listed firms ar reliable and respected It is against the policy of the Enterprise-Record to publish any advertising with a false or misleading content HORSE SHOEING Robert Lewis S200 Call J42437I Fullar Brush LOVELY Mroom 2 bath Co Commiaiion I Heavily landscaocd yard Near! Hooker Oak Built-in! carpet! large 3car garage S21! SI50 LICENSED REAL Htato tllttman neadad Convtiraaion Butt Realty 345-0644 3 Jefferson Davis president the Confederacy and President Abraham Lincoln were born within 100 miles of each other in Kentucky cleaning-securing deposit No petssTABLES FOR rent box 'tails EXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE! 1737 I 343-905! far aluminum awnings and 359 Esplanade 143641! Atk for Funaril Homao Monumtnte BackhM Srtv(cb CALVES S4S up Cowt and cive! 15 read vahictat Good commhalons HautM for Rent Fum paid Call 1434W1 or 343714! I rer rUm' PUBLIC NOTICE Jersey cow Billy goat service 2440 Stimpaon Road mites south of Orovilte off Highway 70 CLARK BACKHOE SERVICE SPENCER CLARK rn 3 Owner and Operator 3431094 MOBILE HOME Salesmen naaoed PARTLY FURNISHED 3tadrcsm Experienced preftrad Com- garage fenced yard In town S14S nttofan- Cal 342466 for ap- Pius deposit Call Paradise 477-potntnwnf K3 SALES PERSON FOR mobile home lot Experience In retail builnasi LOVELY FURNISHED HORSE STALLS Individual corral barn water tac ttc S10 a month Rt Box 103A Chico 142-570 BRUSIE FUNERAL HOME Broadway at 7th 342-5642 HALL-VAN HOOK FUNERAL CHAPEL Brush Troth Hauling NOTICE or HEARING PETTTTON FOB PROBATE OF WILL AND OF APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY NOHMI -SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF BUTTE In the Estate at EDWIN HOLY ibo knows as BOLY deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JEFFREY BOLY kas Tiled hereto a Will train Salary plus mission Sand resum to Dept co Chico Enterprise-Record For 4 BEAUTIFUL BLUE Point and Lynx Point Siamese kittens I weeks old $10 each Call Stirling City 177-2077 haute rHh kitchen both large outdoor! student! S6S each a Deposit $50 Call 3431632 cartajter at 1203 Broadway BOB'S DISPOSAL t) 341 VJest 3rd St 342-4291 SALES PERSON wanted mult have experience In hardware dept Mutt he available to work 40 hr ARACUNA ROOSTERS Easter rag chickens descendant hen will 'qy HAULING GARBAGE BRUSH TRASH 207 MEYERS ST 3431222 no tjedgjdBuiMings office for Rent 16 various colored re Call aftar Oun Shopt Disco attic Inquire at Cohattaf DUNN'S petittaa lor the probata ot We will of EDWIN BOLY decwi deceased and for the work and their husbands spend more and more time at work our studies have only scratched the surface drinking it's very file Encel study reported that Australia's serious alcoholic iroblem was aggravated by the act that Australians recognize alcoholics "when they see and live with Encel's definition of were those who drank more than four glasses at a sitting more than two or three times a week The Employers Federation said most alcoholics cling tenaciously to their jobs because it's their last great mlwark against admitting that they are drunks coercion teamed with clinical said the Federation report cured from 60 to 80 per cent compared to 30 or 40 per cent of the alcoholics rehabilitated by using clinical help The study estimated tha absenteeism in the United States among alcoholic employees cost companies estimated (4 billion annually compared to $1 billion eight years ago said the VEF report twice the cost all time lost due to strikes am labor unrest in the same period of The Encel survey conclude) (hat Americans drink oftener than Australians but are more moderate in their drinking Ami that there are large groups in the United States who abstain because of moral attitudes is virtually no abstinence in Australia to support its Victorian the professor said is there any wide divergence between city and country drinking as there is in Commonwealth statistic show that Australians consume an average of 271 imperia lions (five quarts US) er two gallons of wine am half a gallon of spirits (gin vodka rum or whisky) per person annually They are the third greatest nation of beer drinkers the world behind the West Germans and the Czechs SMALL OFFICE an Mangrove Near PUREBRED IRISH Setter 5 m-nth HEED tarn isJaiman tn I Ava 2 room! private bath old 540 or bast offer Had aomt in rw lntlrhncan TJ S120 month Call 3435737 hots luatrieM f-r th hunting experience nactsary Commiation CLEAN OFFICE and large atoregel Call 3424H4! SANITARY SERVICE INC Commarcial and residential Garbage trash and special pickups CALL 3430157 ANYTIAAE 100 NEW AND USED GUNS University Sans Walk Features Off-Campus Work by Its Students and salary CONTACT: DALE HUNTER 10 AJM SHARP 2259 ESPLANADE space available DO Call 141-7370 DARLING SHETLAND geMHe S50 er 3434041 chubby Watch mar! STL Bath gentle and mraMralirat Wagon $25 Paradise 177-443! WAREHOUSE CORNER ot 7th and Wall Approximately 4500 plus tq O-i i 70 0) JOHN'S TRASH TRUCK Will haul ar dump Very reasonable rata! Call 343-4212 Open 24 to! 7 day! 206 (Recount on matt now gun trades and lay away accepted Call Oriand 165-2503 ieeuaoce to petitioner of jetton testamentary reference to which is hereby made for further particulars' sad tint the lime and place of hearing the same hie been aet for October 37 lfR at am to the courtroom ot said court at the Courthouse is the City of Oravilie Butte County Celifonia DATED: Octobers 1171 CLARK A NELSON Oak By MAYDAX DepotyCkifc PHILLIP HOUX Attorney at Law Ml Broadway Peat Office Box UK Chico California SUM Pubtuh: Oetau IS IIB WILL TRAIN YOU TO SELL Mutual Fund end I neurone LOCALLY Fid I or pari Commltelon Phone collect Fri only for appototmanf 34-5034 or tend resume fa dept 77 co Chico Enterprise-Rccard ft Lota of parking Available Nov HORSES BOARDED pasture 1 5325 per month Call 343154 paddocks nr stall Hnrta and sMrjsft ssh "cirtd Paradis S7M432 ar 177-755! and Prefatsionil Building Call PI fsxf HELP us We're 2 Carman 3433754 er 743111! Shepherd mixed puppies Our Handy Work Need A Serviceman Fast? You can depend on the firms advertised here HAIDY DANDY Taka care of your yard haul traeh clean your houae or parage Initial waefcly bi-weekly or monthly All work biurantaed to your ealisfac-tien Fret eetimato 343-935 Building Rpmodpling SELL FAMOUS Knapp Parttime or fulltime satetpeopl eim more commission ace higher than aver ACRES WITH No tovaetmant FREE equipment! bedroom mobile home double! FREE TO good home Intelligent FREE training program In- parage harm all fenced Clot ivi-i 1 Mr Graman torettadT Wrlta A OiMenlo to PV High S16S per month Call Shephard Had all that! house Kimpp Shoe! Brockton Mat! I aoent 142-09M I Pxr-uit waVtutoe 02401 owners have the time tn take care of us and we need a hem 343511 attar 5 pm Phone 143177 after 6 pjn or CL PUBLIC NOTICE Lindscaping CABINETS REMODELING Addition! Kitchen-bath specialty Reasonable hourly rate CALL 341-540 126 Ith Ave GEORGE DAUTERMAN NEW YORK UPI) If student tells you he goes to school at a University Without 'Walls probably participating in a cooperative venture involving more than 1000 students at 20 colleges Throe students do most of their learning off campus at work at home in independent study or in field experience They have no fixed curriculum no time period for earning a degree The Universit Without Walls experiment fiananced by the Ford Foun dation and the US Office of Education anytime weekends MAJOR CALIFORNIA CO lookinp Winted to Rnt HouSRS for parson with sate managamint Offices Buildings 17 xaertenca JOHN'S LANDSCAPING Complete Landscapin Service New lawn! plantina shrubs Call collect Oriand (45072 tor free estimate! Serving Butte Glann to manage new CIUtoi office Prefer background In retail! CUSTOM REMODELING A Exterior Painting Roofing SMI no Cabinetry repairs Reasonable hourly rain all work guaranteed BILL KEARNS 343411? YPR OLD bav mare rea Isle rad ulita ExeSetyTtemne FEMALE student! 21 and 2l A0HA old swral cllt I basemrat mission US Safety and Englneer- lnn Corp Call Secremento 4131141 col tact ter Mr Boyd COUPLE NEEDS 3 bedroom houta mare 7 year aid chestnut griding All ride nr Bark Alto 2 year old mute real gantte Janitorial Sarvicg LICENSED Sell er Trade E-Z Terms Clll 342-465 or 342-5305 apt in Chico or I surrounding area Celling price 150 monthly Call 142-4612 pleat Lest and Found REMODELING WINDOW CLEANING HOME OR BUSINESS FLOORS CARPETS FREE ESTIMATES Preferred Janitorial Service WARREN THOMAS 343432 BIG RED is lost! S-month eld mala I Complete Iota New construction Kitchen bath Repair! HARRY SHOOP 342-1454 WANTED for rent by HORSES KERR RANCH 4050 inytimt I rat an I 1 1 mature young Hat again 2 outstanding AGHA wean- i act woman 1 or 2 bedroom! ling filltea AAA line Alta 1 beau- WfftraMy famiahed Sacramento tltot year and a half buckskin menina ota iwnwnitt spot en 4479110 eves SNiw nr ole mure 3434112 Painting- NOTICE OT HEARING PETITION FOR PROBATE OP WILL AND OP APPLICATION FOR LETTERS TESTAMENTARY NOMH1 SUPERIOR COURT OT THE STATE OT CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OT BUTTE In the Etoatc of LEWIS MURRAY deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ROBERT LAUGHUN has Tiled hereto 1 petKxw tor Ike probole of the will of LEWIS MURRAY deceased and lor the tonance to petitioner of letters testamentary reterenoe to which is hereby made for further particulars sad that the Ume aad place of heartaf the same kas bam let tor October lfR at am to the eoor-tnxxn of said court at the Courthouse ia the City of Oravilie Bette Ccaoty Cal detail DATED: Octobers IBS CLARK A NELSON Cletk By MAYDAX Deputy Ort LAUGHUN CRAIG CHRISTENSEN 45 Maw Street Post Office Box ITS Chico California MM Attorneys for Petitioner Pnbluh: October 11 IS IS lBl Call 1 Named! "Olive" Paradise I77-4C30 er 177-57! Reading Plan Necessary Finn Equipment Supplies 19 'Farm Equipmant Supplies 19 FREE ESTIAAATES REMODELING CONCRETE WORK ADDITIONS ETC BY LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTOR ALL WORK GUARANTEED CALL 143 1131 OR 3431064 PAINTING BRUSH AND SPRAY Small Houta clear ins LET SMITTY DO IT General Handyman CALL 3437442 or 343517 CL LOST Black and brawn Lakaiand Terrier anawerlna to "MltiL" bearing Dr Rood'a shot tag Reward Call 313744! AUCTION NEED A PAINTER? LOST Mate Sternest 7 old Vic in Hr ot1 11th end Salem Crossedayed Call 3434391 ar 1M Satem PAPER HANGING PAINTING REMODELING DeWItt Paradisa 177147 NO JOB TOO SMALL WORK GUARANTEED WM VERZI 343-7112-3437514 PUBLIC NOTICE LOST Mato mixad bread medium tire dew white with bla black spat! has cellar with rabteal fa*g Between Gohaasat and Chlea Call 343-4520 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Rototilling BILL THE HANDYMAN Painting Electric and Plumbing Hanging Shaatrecfc Free Eatimatea Call 3434Q4I er 342-2274 ROTOTILLING-DISCING PUBLIC NOTKH CEASING OPERATION FARM TOOLS AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT SALES AND RENTALS 777 HIGHWAY 99 LIYE OAK CA Saturday October 14 1972: 10:00 AM Cement Werk WEED CHOPPING LOT LEVELING DOZING CALL 3431447 AFTER 3:10 FJW NOTICE OF FOUND PROPERTY The Chico Pei ice Department it Ini possession at United Statat currency In the amount at 7S5SI found an ar about May 1 172 at ar near Itw Firman Market! Tha leacr may dahn said property! by providing additional description of ttw purs number and denomination of Rw bill! and pav the City of Chico tor Itw coat of this ad as required unT Section 20M2 1 the Callfarnlal Free Tew-Awoy Service NORTH YALLEY READY MIX MARKETING POLICY MEETING CENTRAL-NORTHERN CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES FREE TOW-AWAY SERVICE WASHINGTON UPD Dr Lambert executive ifirector of the National Edu-jpation Association (NEA) ant member of the National "Reading Council offers this advice to parents of children entering kindergarten for the first time this fall: a regular time-dinner hr snack when you am jour child can talk about schoo and other things be more likely to want to talk about what he did at school at these times than he would be the second he walks in the front doo to his early I learning efforts with patience ami enthusiasm Praise his efforts and help him feel pride in his work habits and progress compare him negatively with other children observe follow his ead Build on his interests COMPLETE CONCRETE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATE! NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL OPEN SATURDAYS INSPECTION FRIDAY OCTOBER 13 1972 OM cart win tire! wheat! 341-7144 Marketing Policy for the crop of Navel oranges in SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF BUTTE Estate Of HILDA SEELY alio known as HILDA HUFFMAN SEELY Deceased NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Hm cradHors of the Mow named decedent that all persons having dam aalmt llw laid decadent are rewired to Hit them ifh nacemrv voucher! in tha office of Itw dork of the allow en'illed court or to ament them w'Ni Ihe ntceiiarr vouchors la Itw un-dentoned to Itw oHicts of PETERS FULLER BYRNE AND RUSH Attorneys 414 Salem Street P0 Box HOt Chico Calif srnia which to the dace of buSInaas of Itw un-denluwd in all matters pertainino to lhe estate at said decedent oHIHi lour months after llw first auMicatisn at this notice DATED: September a N7I JEROME PETERS JR Executor of the Will of the show named decode it PETERS FULLER BYRNE AND RUSH 414 So tom Street jO Bax SOO Chico CoHfornla Reetn Roem grad lewd 10 CALL 343-5401 Tie Strvice NEED 2 roommates to share 11 hg tori low Call 343 7721 5 hj tingle phase air compressor electric Small air -compressors 12S portable air compressor 12S portable air compressor rotary drIH preasat Turret lath with 1 law chuck and tolling PortaMr wridare atadric waktera ganeratora pump! Parks 4kll stood plainer EJ h- PSdttoot grinder punch prats to 20 ton machine Power hack tT-y11" M- Ratary thrar 12 aaupe 2 hp lath to" Lathe Monicrh Gier Imd 12 cent Lath uw SMMcrt Trcor Skip pK'SLK' hoist coffin SUPERIOR TREE SERVICE AND PEST CONTROL Patle walk wav tidewalk driveway aggregate concrete cement retaMna wail! foundation! dedn ewer towage brick black patchwork drainage drakv mobile home aat up 345-4348 eg to share (X- PROFESSIONAL deal res I Call 143442 MAN Central-Northern California will be formulated in open meeting to be held by the Navel Orange Administrative Committee October 24 1972 at 10:00 am in the Exeter Memorial Building Exeter California Growers and handlers are cordially invited to attend this meeting Publish: October 121172 Topping trimming and removal aU tape at tree! Uc and inured tor year protection Free eailmetit Phan 342-1504 ar 345751 ROOMS FOR man 545 ainate klt-l chan grivltega! Close to town In Paradisa Call collect I77-169 avenlnga end wgakanda Bools Tree Service HOUSE MOORE'S S4L 54751 Chico Funeral Home Hundreds of Other Tools a- DELL SHUFFIELD ALL PHASES OF TREE WORPL JjL JUtk 4Ulthen prlritegatl FREE ESTIMATES 2fl BRUSH CHIPPER SERVICE 4th Sf Ihevg Mhg off EdM 34333SI 1437131 1 dte! JM447 Altojtof! bagto! 1 AT CEMETERY ENTRANCE 342-9003 FirM pMIJcatton: Octobor Wl Peupi: Oct It It H72 5kcASSJDY AVE YUBA CITY CA 742-4276 '-Make the proqps pleasant 5 Vr gn 6 dtedB db 41 di ritafB MtfcMdbriteaB mbrikteteMaABw WM.

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.