Publications using NEURON — NEURON documentation (2024)

Each item in this list is a publication about work that actually usedNEURON. With rare exceptions abstracts have been omitted. Please helpus keep this list complete and accurate by addressing questions,corrections, additions, or comments to ted dot carnevale at yaledot edu

Total of 2672 items verified as of February 15, 2022.

Abbasi, S., Abbasi, A. and Sarbaz, Y.. Introducing treatmentstrategy for cerebellar ataxia in mutant med mice: combination ofacetazolamide and 4-aminopyridine. Computer Methods and Programsin Biomedicine 113:697-704, 10.1016/j.cmpb.2013.11.008, 2014.

Abbasi, S., Abbasi, A., Sarbaz, Y. and Janahmadi, M.. Powerspectral density analysis of Purkinje cell tonic and burst firingpatterns from a rat model of ataxia and riluzole treated. Basicand Clinical Neuroscience 8:61-68, 10.15412/J.BCN.03080108, 2017.

Abbasi, S., Abbasi, A., Sarbaz, Y. and Shahabi, P.. Contributionof somatic and dendritic SK channels in the firing rate of deepcerebellar nuclei: implication in cerebellar ataxia. Basic andClinical Neuroscience 7:57-62, 2016.

Abdelaal, A. Y., Mousa, M. H., Gamal, M., Khalil, M. I.,Elbasiouny, S. M. and Eldawlatly, S.. A classification approach torecognize the firing of spinal motoneurons in amyotrophic lateralsclerosis. Annual International Conference of the IEEEEngineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2020:3680-3683,10.1109/EMBC44109.2020.9176551, 2020.

Aberra, A. S., Peterchev, A. V. and Grill, W. M.. Biophysicallyrealistic neuron models for simulation of cortical stimulation.Journal of Neural Engineering 15:066023,10.1088/1741-2552/aadbb1, 2018.

Aberra, A. S., Wang, B., Grill, W. M. and Peterchev, A. V..Simulation of transcranial magnetic stimulation in head model withmorphologically-realistic cortical neurons. Brain Stimulation13:175-189, 10.1016/j.brs.2019.10.002, 2020.

Abrahamsson, T., Cathala, L., Matsui, K., Shigemoto, R. andDigregorio, D. A.. Thin dendrites of cerebellar interneuronsconfer sublinear synaptic integration and a gradient of short-termplasticity. Neuron 73:1159-1172, 10.1016/j.neuron.2012.01.027,2012.

Acciarito, S., Cardarilli, G. C., Cristini, A., Di Nunzio, L.,Fazzolari, R., Khanal, G. M., Re, M. and Susi, G.. Hardware designof LIF with Latency neuron model with memristive STDP synapses.Integration-the VLSI Journal 59:81-89,10.1016/j.vlsi.2017.05.006, 2017.

Acker, C. D. and Antic, S. D.. Quantitative assessment of thedistributions of membrane conductances involved in actionpotential backpropagation along basal dendrites. Journal ofNeurophysiology 101:1524-1541, 2009.

Acker, C. D., Hoyos, E. and Loew, L. M.. EPSPs measured inproximal dendritic spines of cortical pyramidal neurons. eNeuro3:ENEURO.0050-15.2016, 10.1523/ENEURO.0050-15.2016, 2016.

Ackermann, D. M., Bhadra, N., Gerges, M. and Thomas, P. J..Dynamics and sensitivity analysis of high-frequency conductionblock. Journal of Neural Engineering 8:065007,10.1088/1741-2560/8/6/065007, 2011.

Ackermann, Jr., D. M., Foldes, E. L., Bhadra, N. and Kilgore, K.L.. Effect of bipolar cuff electrode design on block thresholds inhigh-frequency electrical neural conduction block. IEEETransactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering17:469-477, 10.1109/TNSRE.2009.2034069, 2009.

Adesnik, H. and Scanziani, M.. Lateral competition for corticalspace by layer-specific horizontal circuits. Nature 464:1155-60,10.1038/nature08935, 2010.

Adonias, G. L., Duffy, C., Barros, M. T., McCoy, C. E. andBalasubramaniam, S.. Analysis of the information capacity ofneuronal molecular communications under demyelination andremyelination. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems andRehabilitation Engineering 29:2765-2774,10.1109/TNSRE.2021.3137350, 2021.

Adonias, G. L., Siljak, H., Barros, M. T., Marchetti, N., White,M. and Balasubramaniam, S.. Reconfigurable filtering ofneuro-spike communications using synthetically engineered logiccircuits. Frontiers In Computational Neuroscience 14:556628,10.3389/fncom.2020.556628, 2020a.

Adonias, G. L., Yastrebova, A., Barros, M. T., Koucheryavy, Y.,Cleary, F. and Balasubramaniam, S.. Utilizing neurons for digitallogic circuits: a molecular communications analysis. IEEETransactions on NanoBioscience 19:224-236,10.1109/TNB.2020.2975942, 2020b.

Aghvami, S. S., Müller, M., Araabi, B. N. and Egger, V..Coincidence detection within the excitable rat olfactory bulbgranule cell spines. Journal of Neuroscience 39:584-595,10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1798-18.2018, 2019.

Aguiar, P., Sousa, M. and Lima, D.. NMDA channels together withL-type calcium currents and calcium-activated nonspecific cationiccurrents are sufficient to generate windup in WDR neurons.Journal of Neurophysiology 104:1155-1166, 10.1152/jn.00834.2009,2010.

Aguiar, P. and Willshaw, D.. Hippocampal mossy fibre boutons asdynamical synapses. Neurocomputing 58-60:699-703, 2004.

Ahlfors, S. P. and Wreh, 2nd, C.. Modeling the effect of dendriticinput location on MEG and EEG source dipoles. Medical andBiological Engineering and Computing 53:879-887,10.1007/s11517-015-1296-5, 2015.

Ahmed, B., Anderson, J. C., Douglas, R. J., Martin, K. A. C. andWhitteridge, D.. Estimates of the net excitatory currents evokedby visual stimulation of identified neurons in cat visual cortex.Cerebral Cortex 8:462-476, 1998.

Ait Ouares, K., Filipis, L., Tzilivaki, A., Poirazi, P. andCanepari, M.. Two distinct sets of Ca2+ and K+ channels areactivated at different membrane potentials by the climbing fibersynaptic potential in Purkinje neuron dendrites. Journal ofNeuroscience 39:1969-1981, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2155-18.2018, 2019.

Akbari, A., Moradi, K., Hadaeghi, F., Gharibzadeh, S. andEmkanjoo, Z.. Is “capacitive coupling” purely excitatory in thecardiac tissue?. Frontiers in Physiology 5:77,10.3389/fphys.2014.00077, 2014.

Akemann, W. and Knöpfel, T.. Interaction of Kv3 potassium channelsand resurgent sodium current influences the rate of spontaneousfiring of Purkinje neurons. Journal of Neuroscience26:4602-4612, 2006.

Akemann, W., Lundby, A., Mutoh, H. and Knöpfel, T.. Effect ofvoltage sensitive fluorescent proteins on neuronal excitability.Biophysical Journal 96:3959-3976, 2009.

Akiyama, H., Shimizu, Y., Miyakawa, H. and Inoue, M..Extracellular DC electric fields induce nonuniform membranepolarization in rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. BrainResearch 1383:22-35, 10.1016/j.brainres.2011.01.097, 2011.

Alessi, C., Raspanti, A. and Magistretti, J.. Two distinct typesof depolarizing afterpotentials are differentially expressed instellate and pyramidal-like neurons of entorhinal-cortex layerII.. Hippocampus 26:380-404, 10.1002/hipo.22529, 2016.

Alfonsa, H., Merricks, E. M., Codadu, N. K., Cunningham, M. O.,Deisseroth, K., Racca, C. and Trevelyan, A. J.. The contributionof raised intraneuronal chloride to epileptic network activity.Journal of Neuroscience 35:7715-7726,10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4105-14.2015, 2015.

Allain, A.-E., Cazenave, W., Delpy, A., Exertier, P., Barthe, C.,Meyrand, P., Cattaert, D. and Branchereau, P.. Nonsynaptic glycinerelease is involved in the early KCC2 expression. DevelopmentalNeurobiology 76:764-779, 10.1002/dneu.22358, 2016.

Allam, S. L., Ghaderi, V. S., Bouteiller, J.-M. C., Legendre, A.,Ambert, N., Greget, R., Bischoff, S., Baudry, M. and Berger, T.W.. A computational model to investigate astrocytic glutamateuptake influence on synaptic transmission and neuronal spiking.Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 6:70,10.3389/fncom.2012.00070, 2012.

Alle, H. and Geiger, J. R. P.. Combined analog and actionpotential coding in hippocampal mossy fibers. Science311:1290-1293, 2006.

Alle, H. and Geiger, J. R. P.. GABAergic spill-over transmissiononto hippocampal mossy fiber boutons. Journal of Neuroscience27:942-950, 2007.

Alle, H., Roth, A. and Geiger, J. R. P.. Energy-efficient actionpotentials in hippocampal mossy fibers. Science 325:1405-1408,10.1126/science.1174331, 2009.

Allen, J. M. and Elbasiouny, S. M.. The effects of modelcomposition design choices on high-fidelity simulations ofmotoneuron recruitment and firing behaviors. Journal of NeuralEngineering 15:036024, 10.1088/1741-2552/aa9db5, 2018.

Allken, V., Chepkoech, J.-L., Einevoll, G. T. and Halnes, G.. Thesubcellular distribution of T-type Ca2+ channels in interneuronsof the lateral geniculate nucleus. PLoS ONE 9:e107780,10.1371/journal.pone.0107780, 2014.

Almog, M., Barkai, T., Lampert, A. and Korngreen, A..Voltage-gated sodium channels in neocortical pyramidal neuronsdisplay Cole-Moore activation kinetics. Frontiers in CellularNeuroscience 12:187, 10.3389/fncel.2018.00187, 2018.

Almog, M. and Korngreen, A.. A quantitative description ofdendritic conductances and its application to dendritic excitationin layer 5 pyramidal neurons. Journal of Neuroscience34:182-196, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2896-13.2014, 2014.

Alturki, A., Feng, F., Nair, A., Guntu, V. and Nair, S. S..Distinct current modules shape cellular dynamics in model neurons.Neuroscience 334:309-331, 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.08.016,2016.

Alvarez, F. P. and Destexhe, A.. Simulating cortical networkactivity states constrained by intracellular recordings.Neurocomputing 58:285-290, 2004.

Al-Yaari, M., Yamada, R. and Kuba, H.. Excitatory-inhibitorysynaptic coupling in avian nucleus magnocellularis. Journal ofNeuroscience 40:619-631, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1124-19.2019, 2020.

Amarillo, Y., Tissone, A. I., Mato, G. and Nadal, M. S.. Inwardrectifier potassium current IKir promotes intrinsic pacemakeractivity of thalamocortical neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology119:2358-2372, 10.1152/jn.00867.2017, 2018.

Amarillo, Y., Zagha, E., Mato, G., Rudy, B. and Nadal, M. S.. Theinterplay of seven subthreshold conductances controls the restingmembrane potential and the oscillatory behavior of thalamocorticalneurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 112:393-410,10.1152/jn.00647.2013, 2014.

Amatrudo, J. M., Weaver, C. M., Crimins, J. L., Hof, P. R.,Rosene, D. L. and Luebke, J. I.. Influence of highly distinctivestructural properties on the excitability of pyramidal neurons inmonkey visual and prefrontal cortices. Journal of Neuroscience32:13644-13660, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2581-12.2012, 2012.

Ambros-Ingerson, J., Grover, L. M. and Holmes, W. R.. Aclassification method to distinguish cell-specific responseselicited by current pulses in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells.Neural Computation 20:1512-1536, 2008.

Ambros-Ingerson, J. and Holmes, W. R.. Analysis and comparison ofmorphological reconstructions of hippocampal field CA1 pyramidalcells. Hippocampus 15:302-315, 2005.

Amir, R. and Devor, M.. Electrical excitability of the soma ofsensory neurons is required for spike invasion of the soma, butnot for through-conduction. Biophysical Journal 84:2181-2191,2003a.

Amir, R. and Devor, M.. Extra spike formation in sensory neuronsand the disruption of afferent spike patterning. BiophysicalJournal 84:2700-2708, 2003b.

Amir, R., Kocsis, J. D. and Devor, M.. Multiple interacting sitesof ectopic spike electrogenesis in primary sensory neurons.Journal of Neuroscience 25:2576-2585, 2005.

Amir, R., Liu, C.-N., Kocsis, J. D. and Devor, M.. Oscillatorymechanism in primary sensory neurones. Brain 125:421-435, 2002a.

Amir, R., Michaelis, M. and Devor, M.. Burst discharge in primarysensory neurons: triggered by subthreshold oscillations,maintained by depolarizing afterpotentials. Journal ofNeuroscience 22:1187-1198, 2002b.

Amos, G. J., Jacobson, I., Duker, G. and Carlsson, L.. Block ofHERG-carried K+ currents by the new repolarization delaying agentH 345/52. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology14:651-658, 2003.

Amsalem, O., Eyal, G., Rogozinski, N., Gevaert, M., Kumbhar, P.,Schürmann, F. and Segev, I.. An efficient analytical reduction ofdetailed nonlinear neuron models. Nature Communications 11:288,10.1038/s41467-019-13932-6, 2020.

Amsalem, O., Van Geit, W., Muller, E., Markram, H. and Segev, I..From neuron biophysics to orientation selectivity in electricallycoupled networks of neocortical L2/3 large basket cells. CerebralCortex 26:3655-3668, 10.1093/cercor/bhw166, 2016.

An, L., Tang, Y., Wang, Q., Pei, Q., Wei, R., Duan, H. and Liu, J.K.. Coding capacity of purkinje cells with different schemes ofmorphological reduction. Frontiers In Computational Neuroscience13:29, 10.3389/fncom.2019.00029, 2019.

Anastassiou, C. A., Montgomery, S. M., Barahona, M., Buzsáki, G.and Koch, C.. The effect of spatially inhom*ogeneous extracellularelectric fields on neurons. Journal of Neuroscience30:1925-1936, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3635-09.2010, 2010.

Anaya, C. J., Zander, H. J., Graham, R. D., Sankarasubramanian, V.and Lempka, S. F.. Evoked potentials recorded from the spinal cordduring neurostimulation for pain: a computational modeling study.Neuromodulation 23:64-73, 10.1111/ner.12965, 2020.

Anderson, D. N., Anderson, C., Lanka, N., Sharma, R., Butson, C.R., Baker, B. W. and Dorval, A. D.. The μDBS: multiresolution,directional deep brain stimulation for improved targeting of smalldiameter fibers. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13:1152,10.3389/fnins.2019.01152, 2019a.

Anderson, D. N., Duffley, G., Vorwerk, J., Dorval, A. D. andButson, C. R.. Anodic stimulation misunderstood: preferentialactivation of fiber orientations with anodic waveforms in deepbrain stimulation. Journal of Neural Engineering 16:016026,10.1088/1741-2552/aae590, 2019b.

Anderson, D. N., Osting, B., Vorwerk, J., Dorval, A. D. andButson, C. R.. Optimized programming algorithm for cylindrical anddirectional deep brain stimulation electrodes. Journal of NeuralEngineering 15:026005, 10.1088/1741-2552/aaa14b, 2018a.

Anderson, J. C., Binzegger, T., Kahana, O., Segev, I. and Martin,K. A. C.. Dendritic asymmetry cannot account for directionalresponses of neurons in visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience2:820-824, 1999.

Anderson, R. W., Farokhniaee, A., Gunalan, K., Howell, B. andMcIntyre, C. C.. Action potential initiation, propagation, andcortical invasion in the hyperdirect pathway during subthalamicdeep brain stimulation. Brain Stimulation 11:1140-1150,10.1016/j.brs.2018.05.008, 2018b.

Andrade, A., Hope, J., Allen, A., Yorgan, V., Lipscombe, D. andPan, J. Q.. A rare schizophrenia risk variant of CACNA1I disruptsCaV3.3 channel activity. Scientific Reports 6:34233,10.1038/srep34233, 2016.

Andree, A., Li, N., Butenko, K., Kober, M., Chen, J. Z., Higuchi,T., Fauser, M., Storch, A., Ip, C. W., Kühn, A. A., Horn, A. andvan Rienen, U.. Deep brain stimulation electrode modeling in rats.Experimental Neurology 350:113978,10.1016/j.expneurol.2022.113978, 2022.

Andreozzi, E., Carannante, I., D’Addio, G., Cesarelli, M. andBalbi, P.. Phenomenological models of Nav1.5. A side by side,procedural, hands-on comparison between Hodgkin-Huxley and kineticformalisms.. Scientific Reports 9:17493,10.1038/s41598-019-53662-9, 2019.

Androuin, A., Potier, B., Nägerl, U. V., Cattaert, D., Danglot,L., Thierry, M., Youssef, I., Triller, A., Duyckaerts, C.,Hachimi, K. H. E., Dutar, P., Delatour, B. and Marty, S.. Evidencefor altered dendritic spine compartmentalization in Alzheimer’sdisease and functional effects in a mouse model. ActaNeuropathologica 135:839-854, 10.1007/s00401-018-1847-6, 2018.

Angelo, K., London, M., Christensen, S. R. and Häusser, M.. Localand global effects of I-h distribution in dendrites of mammalianneurons. Journal of Neuroscience 27:8643-8653, 2007.

Angulo, S. L., Henzi, T., Neymotin, S. A., Suarez, M. D., Lytton,W. W., Schwaller, B. and Moreno, H.. Amyloid pathology-producedunexpected modifications of calcium homeostasis in hippocampalsubicular dendrites. Alzheimer’s and Dementia 16:251-261,10.1016/j.jalz.2019.07.017, 2020.

Angulo, S. L., Orman, R., Neymotin, S. A., Liu, L., Buitrago, L.,Cepeda-Prado, E., Stefanov, D., Lytton, W. W., Stewart, M., Small,S. A., Duff, K. E. and Moreno, H.. Tau and amyloid-relatedpathologies in the entorhinal cortex have divergent effects in thehippocampal circuit. Neurobiology of Disease 108:261-276,10.1016/j.nbd.2017.08.015, 2017.

Anirudhan, A. and Narayanan, R.. Analogous synaptic plasticityprofiles emerge from disparate channel combinations. Journal ofNeuroscience 35:4691-4705, 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4223-14.2015, 2015.

Ankri, L., Ezra-Tsur, E., Maimon, S. R., Kaushansky, N. andRivlin-Etzion, M.. Antagonistic center-surround mechanisms fordirection selectivity in the retina. Cell Reports 31:107608,10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107608, 2020.

Antunes, G., Faria da Silva, S. F. and Simoes de Souza, F. M..Mirror neurons modeled through spike-timing-dependent plasticityare affected by channelopathies associated with autism spectrumdisorder. International Journal of Neural Systems 28:1750058,10.1142/S0129065717500587, 2018.

Anwar, H., Hepburn, I., Nedelescu, H., Chen, W. and De Schutter,E.. Stochastic calcium mechanisms cause dendritic calcium spikevariability. Journal of Neuroscience 33:15848-15867,10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1722-13.2013, 2013.

Anwar, H., Hong, S. and De Schutter, E.. ControllingCa2+-activated K+ channels with models of Ca2+ buffering inPurkinje cells. Cerebellum 11:681-693,10.1007/s12311-010-0224-3, 2012.

Anwar, H., Roome, C. J., Nedelescu, H., Chen, W., Kuhn, B. and DeSchutter, E.. Dendritic diameters affect the spatial variabilityof intracellular calcium dynamics in computer models. Frontiersin Cellular Neuroscience 8:168, 10.3389/fncel.2014.00168, 2014.

Apollo, N., Grayden, D. B., Burkitt, A. N., Meffin, H. andKameneva, T.. Modeling intrinsic electrophysiology of AII amacrinecells: preliminary results [Online]. IEEE Engineering in Medicineand Biology Society Proceedings 2013:6551-6554,10.1109/EMBC.2013.6611056, 2013.

Apostolides, P. F., Milstein, A. D., Grienberger, C., Bittner, K.C. and Magee, J. C.. Axonal filtering allows reliable outputduring dendritic plateau-driven complex spiking in Ca1 neurons.Neuron 89:770-783, 10.1016/j.neuron.2015.12.040, 2016.

Appukuttan, S., Brain, K. L. and Manchanda, R.. A computationalmodel of urinary bladder smooth muscle syncytium: validation andinvestigation of electrical properties. Journal of ComputationalNeuroscience 38:167-187, 10.1007/s10827-014-0532-6, 2015a.

Appukuttan, S., Brain, K. L. and Manchanda, R.. Modelingextracellular fields for a three-dimensional network of cellsusing NEURON. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 290:27-38,10.1016/j.jneumeth.2017.07.005, 2017a.

Appukuttan, S., Brain, K. L. and Manchanda, R.. Effect ofvariations in gap junctional coupling on the frequency ofoscillatory action potentials in a smooth muscle syncytium.Frontiers in Physiology 12:655225, 10.3389/fphys.2021.655225,2021.

Appukuttan, S., Padmakumar, M., Brain, K. L. and Manchanda, R.. Amethod for the analysis of AP foot convexity: insights into smoothmuscle biophysics. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology5:64, 10.3389/fbioe.2017.00064, 2017b.

Appukuttan, S., Padmakumar, M., Young, J. S., Brain, K. L. andManchanda, R.. Investigation of the syncytial nature of detrusorsmooth muscle as a determinant of action potential shape.Frontiers in Physiology 9:1300, 10.3389/fphys.2018.01300, 2018.

Appukuttan, S., Sathe, R. and Manchanda, R.. Modular approach tomodeling hom*otypic and heterotypic gap junctions [Online]. 2015IEEE 5th International Conference on Computational Advances in Bioand Medical Sciences, 10.1109/iccabs.2015.7344707, 2015b.

Appukuttan, S., Sathe, R. and Manchanda, R.. Influence of gapjunction subtypes on passive and active electrical properties ofsyncytial tissues [Online]. 2016 International Conference onSystems in Medicine and Biology, 10.1109/icsmb.2016.7915104,2016.

Aradi, I. and Erdi, P.. Multicompartmental modeling of neuralcircuits in the olfactory bulb. International Journal of NeuralSystems 7:519-527, 1996a.

Aradi, I. and Erdi, P.. Multicompartmental modeling of theolfactory bulb. Cybernetics and Systems 27:605-615, 1996b.

Aradi, I. and Erdi, P.. Signal generation and propagation in theolfactory bulb: multicompartmental modeling. Computers andMathematics with Applications 32:1-27, 1996c.

Aradi, I. and Erdi, P.. Simulation of the whole olfactory bulbbased on detailed single cell models. Neurobiology 4:251-252,1996d.

Aradi, I. and Maccaferri, G.. Cell type-specific synaptic dynamicsof synchronized bursting in the juvenile CA3 rat hippocampus.Journal of Neuroscience 24:9681-9692, 2004.

Aradi, I., Santhakumar, V., Chen, K. and Soltesz, I.. Postsynapticeffects of GABAergic synaptic diversity: regulation of neuronalexcitability by changes in IPSC variance. Neuropharmacology43:511-522, 2002.

Aradi, I., Santhakumar, V. and Soltesz, I.. Impact ofheterogeneous perisomatic IPSC populations on pyramidal cellfiring rates. Journal of Neurophysiology 91:2849-2858, 2004.

Aradi, I. and Soltesz, I.. Modulation of network behaviour bychanges in variance in interneuronal properties. Journal ofPhysiology 538:227-251, 2002.

Arai, I., Tanaka, M. and Tachibana, M.. Active roles ofelectrically coupled bipolar cell network in the adult retina.Journal of Neuroscience 30:9260-9270,10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1590-10.2010, 2010.

Araya, R., Vogels, T. P. and Yuste, R.. Activity-dependentdendritic spine neck changes are correlated with synapticstrength. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of theUnited States of America 111:E2895-E2904,10.1073/pnas.1321869111, 2014.

Archie, K. A. and Mel, B. W.. A model for intradendriticcomputation of binocular disparity. Nature Neuroscience 3:54-63,2000.

Arias, E. R., Valle-Leija, P., Morales, M. A. and Cifuentes, F..Differential contribution of BDNF and NGF to long-termpotentiation in the superior cervical ganglion of the rat.Neuropharmacology 81:206-214, 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2014.02.001,2014.

Ariav, G., Polsky, A. and Schiller, J.. Submillisecond precisionof the input-output transformation function mediated by fastsodium dendritic spikes in basal dendrites of CA1 pyramidalneurons. Journal of Neuroscience 23:7750-7758, 2003.

Arkhipov, A., Gouwens, N. W., Billeh, Y. N., Gratiy, S., Iyer, R.,Wei, Z., Xu, Z., Abbasi-Asl, R., Berg, J., Buice, M., Cain, N., daCosta, N., de Vries, S., Denman, D., Durand, S., Feng, D., Jarsky,T., Lecoq, J., Lee, B., Li, L., Mihalas, S., Ocker, G. K., Olsen,S. R., Reid, R. C., Soler-Llavina, G., Sorensen, S. A., Wang, Q.,Waters, J., Scanziani, M. and Koch, C.. Visual physiology of thelayer 4 cortical circuit in silico. PLoS Computational Biology14:e1006535, 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006535, 2018.

Arleo, A., Nieus, T., Bezzi, M., D’Errico, A., D’Angelo, E. andCoenen, O. J.-M. D.. How synaptic release probability shapesneuronal transmission: information-theoretic analysis in acerebellar granule cell. Neural Computation 22:2031-2058,10.1162/NECO_a_00006-Arleo, 2010.

Arruda, D., Publio, R. and Roque, A. C.. The periglomerular cellof the olfactory bulb and its role in controlling mitral cellspiking: a computational model. PLoS ONE 8:e56148,10.1371/journal.pone.0056148, 2013.

Arsiero, M., Lüscher, H.-R., Lundstrom, B. N. and Giugliano, M..The impact of input fluctuations on the frequency-currentrelationships of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the rat medialprefrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 27:3274-3284, 2007.

Aruljothi, S., Mandge, D. and Manchanda, R.. A biophysical modelof heat sensitivity in nociceptive C-fiber neurons [Online]. 20178th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering,10.1109/ner.2017.8008422, 2017.

Ascoli, G. A., Gasparini, S., Medinilla, V. and Migliore, M..Local control of postinhibitory rebound spiking in CA1 pyramidalneuron dendrites. Journal of Neuroscience 30:6434-6442,10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4066-09.2010, 2010.

Ashhad, S. and Feldman, J. L.. Emergent elements of inspiratoryrhythmogenesis: network synchronization and synchrony propagation.Neuron 106:482-497.e4, 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.02.005, 2020.

Ashhad, S. and Narayanan, R.. Quantitative interactions betweenthe A-type K+ current and inositol trisphosphate receptorsregulate intraneuronal Ca2+ waves and synaptic plasticity.Journal of Physiology 591:1645-1669,10.1113/jphysiol.2012.245688, 2013.

Ashhad, S. and Narayanan, R.. Active dendrites regulate the impactof gliotransmission on rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons..Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the UnitedStates of America 113:E3280-E3289, 10.1073/pnas.1522180113, 2016.

Aspart, F., Ladenbauer, J. and Obermayer, K.. Extendingintegrate-and-fire model neurons to account for the effects ofweak electric fields and input filtering mediated by the dendrite.PLoS Computational Biology 12:e1005206,10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005206, 2016.

Aspart, F., Remme, M. W. H. and Obermayer, K.. Differentialpolarization of cortical pyramidal neuron dendrites through weakextracellular fields. PLoS Computational Biology 14:e1006124,10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006124, 2018.

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