The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

I 4 5 VOLUME XXXH. NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 1868. NUMBER .109. PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT, OOKKIB NATCHKZ AND MAGAZINE NEW ORLEANS, WHOLE8A1B AGENT IM THB SOUTHZR5 STATUS Qnysotts Saraaperilla, Bog en's Liverwort and Tw, MeLane'e Celebrated Vermifuge, Laos' Celebrated Llrer Pi Us. Shall berger'a Peter and Ague Antidote, Jew I'avUi or Hebrew Plaaier, Binmta astringent syrup, Mlahler Hera BUter, A ad assay other Yalaable Genalae Family Medicine.

CMU0M8T8 ASD DEALERS 8XTPPUKD AT Frwprletara' WJaalesalc Price. Mr Wlnalew's farthing Syrup, Mulura'a Liter InvuKrator, Jeynea's 'ariuiiatTe Hiotau'e Baeouve Oloaer, Hail' heir Benewer, Mustang Lwlaieut, Oinimnut, Otgoud' Cholasegue, Bxtrac'. Kadwev'a steady Relief, atadtrav'e Heady Begulator, Jam' Erprctoraut, Hollo aya PilK bull' peraaparilla UoMe i iei'a bitters, Wngbt'a Indian Vegetable Put. Barrj'a Tuopherotie, Bballenb antidote, HoHoy' Olitment, Branurrth'e Pitta, Badway'a Beady Belief Tbompeon'a ave Water, Tor sale at FLEMING'S PA TEST MEDICISK DEPOT, Rev Orleana IB 1 000 REWARD. 81000 DR.

HISHLSR willing to pay K8WARD to In proprietor of auy uiedtotne wb cau snow tletbi ompevnd 1ih performed greater curra tban MISHLKK'8 HhRS BlTTKRa. MliSHLKH'S MkBB BlTTfenS the treat ucd PurlnVr. MHH raB BaRB BITTKBH, tbe Unrivaled Stomachic at mHLaBS HaRB BITTKRS, the great Household Brmedy. Tbeaa luatlr nonnlar and hlah'r Medicated Bit It are gosrentee to be an IIIPALLIBLK AND hfcTAlB CUBS for all diseases arising from ao pure atate ot tbe blooa or inrtoeamuu oi Bioniacb. LlTeroT Rieoaa Thiaia tae omr trul Brdir ted eomnonnduow offered to the nubllo in tb at ape of bittera.

for aale by all reapeotable AHHKSTOCK a. Branch Bouae, Market street, Hltabarg. Bold at FLEMING'S PATENT il EDI VISE DRPOT, 00R5BB BAT CHEZ AXIk MAOAZIBB TRBBTS, KK ORLEANS. General Seathera Ageau Boofland'a Cenraa Bittera, Dallj'e Pair li tractor. BrrTa and But Lbiiment, PabDeatoek'a Vermifuge, Ayrra'a Bartaparula, Bairhelor'a Hair lye, atoffatt'a Pi Ha, Brown'a Trotbea, boixlout Holiane'a Live Pills, Mra, AUen a Hair Restorer, jfr'a Afne Cure, Jaroe a Pilla, Brmaold'a Bxtraet Bucbo.

bimoMiiia'a Liver Medicine, lexaa Tome Bvrtiii. Mitebell'a Bye eaWe, Iteidllti Povdrra, Phtlvtoken, Blaley'c Cooooin Burnett'a, lvuug Amerieaa litnlment. 7ot aale at FLEMING'S WIIoLKSALB PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT, Corner of Natchez and Magazine etreeta. rWHiATK'H ANODYNE COUUI AL. A aafe and edeetoal rewedy for tbe damiaer raiplalnta, Tir: Plarrbea and Chol ra Min is, Flatulent and Bpaanodie Cboliea.

And aCbolora Prrventive. Wbm administered in that distreaolng diaeaso, tbe CHOLfeRA MORHUl. it never iaila to ixluc tbe moat happy tfftM ta, if tbe doae be increased in 1 quantity and froqur ney, aeeerdimi to tbe vloi of tbe symptom which ought and cau alwava done with perfect arvtv. It aoeedilv rem Vomiting. Urging, Flatulent aud ttpaomodio Oho Ue.

Its anodyne picptrtles render it uuculiarlv sppllrable in rampa, likewise r. etleamieM aut wtarwiessei llnibai It la partusnlarly na iiii to Children wfctn Teetbiug. aa it allay lrr. imlnresatoderate perspiration, and produces atrnp, being superior to the elixir of paregoric, the too frtqueut use nf wbieb baa etteu proved lniurioii, by caualng viaorral obstruct lou, tuCaramatlouA, and fever. BOLD BY DRCGOrSTB GENERALLY.

FLEMING'S PATEXT MXDI0ISS DEPOT, Hole Agent', New Orleans. fries Uedaced 1 1 Price Reduced SU eases COSCBWT RATS') LYR In Iron boxes. 290 BATBONA BBFINBD SAPuNlFIBR. For aale at FLEMING'S PATENT Bf EDIctNB DEPOT, Corner Batches and Magazine ata, New Orleana, GswaraJ HoaUrera Ageau Davis Wi.d Ciita ry a lar, atsai4ir frxtict Bruno bedv'a VeOuM Lisoov ry, Bill'Tiga's Astringent Bvrop, Towusroi's israjinll Oil Palm and Ma Barnatt'a iiod Liver Oil, Woodiuaii'a Esoence Olnger, I McLeaa's Coruial, Tmcbea Clark Female Pills, Gar't' Scotch Srtuff, 'Areunoni L'lilttieiit, Csawait a Mark's Fern Phoaphated Elixir, Wad Tooib Picka Tarrant's Aperient, Cbnsladoro'a Hair Dye, Hrcemu' (d Liver OIL Me Lane's Pills aud Vermifuge, Lemon Kymp, ayefs PUla, Jaoob'a CordiaL Goods Mid at the LOWEST Current Cash Prioea FLEMING'S PATMST MEDICIXX DEPOT, MAOAZINB BTRKBT, NS ORLBAN8. DAL LEY'S GALVANIC nORSE SJaLVE Is as sood ac article lor Horses as the Piln Bx tractor la lor Mao.

It ia very h'guly spoken of by onr mot experlensd hot senior), and all agreo that ftir Heratehes, Galls, Hwedinga Cut 0alka. Thnuh. Dty and Brittle Hoofs. Poll Bvli eta, it Is an Iniallible cure, aud far au)erlox to any Horae Pemedy bereiofore used. Fa sal by all Dealers in Medloloe, and Harneas Mak.ra.

CBNTB A BOX. For sale at manufacturer's prioea, at PATENT MEDICINE DEPOT, 1 0BI.B BATCH RZ AND MAOAZINF HTBKBTB, SV1 Bsw Orleana General SeNthera'Ageat. JeMMkltW i FIRKMEN'S FKSTIVAL, AID OF THB WISOWB AST) ORPHANS OF THB F1BCMBSS CHABITABLB ASSOCIATION, To take place AT THE FAIR GROUNDS, On the following days, via The 14tk, ilat, ef Jane, and 4th and at Jaly, I8S. Tbia Aaaoelation eontribntea paeuniarT aid to over Two Huuored Widowa. and Two Hundred and Plfty Oiphan Children; beaidea aeouriajc to tbemitbe Gr.tuitoo 8ervieea of Salaried Pbysi eiata.

Paid UruKgiau, land tbe Burial of tbe Dead. In view of tbla compTehenarve yatem of ebarity and the great efficiency, practical uKfnlneat, and h' fch character of tbe Fire Department ef New Orkaua, we eontldenlly appeal to oar fellow ciii aeDa lor a generona uppoi t. Tbeae Five Day' Featival will be a Varied and Uninterrupted Bucceatiou ot Manly and Healthful 8p rta and Qamea. Cbaa Jager's celebrated 8i1er Cornet Band haa bven engaged for the occasion. Tbe price of adiniaaion ue Dollar, admitting Ladle and Children Free, will enable all claaaea ol tbe people to participle In it Thtte rural outdoor xiubitions add to the gene ral attraetiTeneea of our oity, and enables the vtoikiligman and hia family to eujojr, at a ax all cost, relaxation from labor and reuona.

amuse ment. LET THB PBOPLB BNCODRAGB THBU. A rortplete programme will be publiabed in due tinie. Luring ose of the days there will be raud Car'eature Tout Dam' nt. making one of the moet laughable etitertaiuinenK evrr otferod in tbe rity.

M. LARDNBR, mv'jl Chairman Comtnitiea of Arrangement. FED. COMFORT A.NO SAFETV, VIA CAIRO ABD ILLINOIS CBS TkiAL RAILROAD. Quick and Direct Route to New York.

wtou aud all Baatern Cities. Two Trains leave Cairo Dally on arri val of Trains and Steameia from tbe South. BUT TWO CHANbKS BKTWBKS NB YORK AND IhW ORLKAB3 Sleeping Care through from New Orleans to Co lumbus, Ky. without change. For Tb rough Ticketa in New Orleans anDlv at tbe rtnt oi tbe u.

ana u. n. naiiroad. uo City Hotel at tbe Office of th Atlantic aud Hvuaivpi Htramafcip Oompanv. Cmniuo i auo at the umceol lllinou iitri itsijoad, Ualrc.

WM. HUKMU' Otneral Superintendent, Chicago. W. P. jeilSON, General Paaaenger Ae nt, Cbleago.

B. LoNUbKY QeD'l Soutb'n PasatUKer Agent, Mow Orleans nij 31 3m THl "lAIPKUVCMKNT" CONCRETE PRESS, FOft MASCKACTCRINQ AKTIFICIAI. BUILDING STONE. No. 1 makes Stone 3x6 Inch 10 inch, to.

2 4x8 Inch 16 inch. Can be made by STB AM, HRhB OR HAND rtWBR, with combinadon material 8BCDRBD BY CAVKaT. Makea the cheapen, moat arable and beautiful buildlt material. Requires no burning. la hard enough to lay In the wall In five day a bach machine will make two thousand blocks of articial atone per day.

Price exclusive of right o. I No. 1, Kk Apply for circulars, with particular, as to rights, to LSWIS J. 1IT7H Kaat Monroe street, PiMm 5. Lombard Block.

Chicago, IUlaoia. its? i5: od TL'RNER TIO DOULOUREUX ail'MVEKSAL NEURALGIA PILL. A safe, certain and speedy sure for Neuralgls tad all Ferrous Diseaaea Its effects are magieaL it la an unfailing remedy in all case, of Neuralgia factalle, often effecting a perfect cure in leaa than twenty four houra, from the use of no more than cwu or three pllla Ko other form of Neuralgia or Nervous diaeaa baa tailed to yield to tbla wooaorful remedy agxnt vt in the severest eases of Chronic, aueral nervoua derangeients, of mauy yerr tauding, affecting the entire system, its use fot a few da; a or a few weeks at the almost, al Wh.vt affords the most astonishing relief, aad very raroi. fails to prod ace a complete and permanent cur j. It oontaina no drug or other material Id th ligbtest degree Injurious, even to the mobt iloli ate syatem.

and can aiways be used with pec'cot iafpty. It haa long been in oonatant uae by many of oar oiont eminent phyalciana, who give it tht tr unanl moua and unqualified approval. Seu' mail or eceitt of price and postage. package 1, postage 6 cents; sU package ra, peeiage ti cents twelve pacKages ost 'age 48 cents. It is sold by all wholesale and retail dealers in imgi and medicines throughout the Untied States and by TURNER li CO.

Sole Proprietora, ap77 ftawotl 151 rem out st Booton. Uae. HULL'S TOILET SOAP, Park Row, New York. 3AY BUM BOAP, DBMCLCKNT BOAP HOSBI SO Over 100 other vario.ies. Healing In quality an For aalalv Jl deaiarm.

1'6: SdplV HUEUMAT1HM. NiSUB LG1A ABD OOUT CAN Bl ne not hesitate to use UALI.AMABD'B RHXTJMA TOM, OOCT and NBCRALU1A SPECIFIC. jThs raeipe was procured (rem the aetobratsd Dr. Lai am an 4, of France. It ta not a quack medicine.

good physician fails to prescribe rt when ht aarcs.wbat it la oam posed of. Attention la Invited teolreulars, which ean be obtained of JOHN H. LOOI, Geoeral Agent, and from the druggists, jon taming oarunoates from physician bankers, tercbanta, meebanice and other of the klgheei rMpeotfbUlty, who would not lend their names spoae on the pubua, Wlamand's cures more eases of BhW tatism and Neuralgia tban any other remedy tr jfistenoa jf JOW9 EL BLOOD, 4 Oenetal Agent B. W. comer Third and Chestnut sts.

fit.Lonia Far sale by Druggists generally. BARNK8, WARD 14 Magaainestraei a N. Importer and Wholesale; Tgglsa, ft Wagastne street. a 67 LTtply Whoieaa'e Agenla. We0teanf.

i Onr city just now is blessed with excellent health. The total number of deaths (Met week ware bat 97, the weaker sex yield in? just one more than the sterner to the mor tality. The mortality among children con times comparatively heavy, there being 28 deaths of those under one vear, and 18 of thoce between one and ten vears. Oood health is at all times and under all circnm stances a great blessing. Bnt we esteem it a special favor in these bard times, Malthas and bis disciples to tbe contrary notwithstanding.

iy We bad the pleasure of a call yester day from Major Ross Wilkinson, lately the Democratic candidate for Congress in the Fifth Congressional District. The Major was a soldier ot tbe war on tbe Union side, and is now tbe most active of soldiers on the saae side, on tbe peace establishment. He gave as a verv graphic account of the progress made in Caddo and Bossier in organizing the col ored people for the Democracy. lie thinks those parishes now perfectly safe for the Democratic party by the colored vote alone, and predicts, if like good management aud energy be displayed in other parts of the Mate, mat the 1'reeideutiai vote can be car ried It SO or 30,000 majority. The Major la evidently a practical man, of whom we with we bad many more, who sees hat he situation is, what kind of soil is to be worked and the tools needed to work it, and it not disposed to sit down in idleness and i ome to starvation because he cannot have hetter.

No He seizes the plow handle, ives a lively gee! haw! to bis mule team and goes on, turning over the tree soil furrow and planting tbe seed of Democracy where lately the tares of Radicalism only grew. He thne shows us bow we can prosper politically as well as materially, in spite of carpet bag management. Life and Genics of Hknrt Timrod Onr readers will not forget that to night Dr. Brnns will repeat, at tbe request of a number of onr leading citizens, his beautiful lecture on the Life and Genius of Henry Timrod," which called forth on the occasion of its first delivery such universal enconinm The proceeds of the lecture are to be forwarded to the widow of the deceased. The lecture will be uiven in Lyceum Hall, and will commence at 8 o'clock.

Tickets, the price of which has been fixed at fifty cents, can be procured at the various book stores, and at tbe door of the Hall to night. The New York steamship landing, opposite Jackson Square, presents an uunsaally lively appearance yesterday, there being four ocean steamers discharging and taking in cargo, viz the Juniata, Capt. noxie, the Liberty, Capt. Bain, the Gen. Grant, tCapt.

Quick, and the George Washington, Capt. Gager. The steamship Cnba, of the Balti more Line, has just come ont of the Valette Dry Dock, having been thoroughly repaired by onr home mechanics. The steamship Concordia, of the Boston Line, is at the Fourth District landing. Those of ear citizens going North can take their choice among this splendid fleet of sea going steamships.

The Trot at Oakland Course Yester day There was quite a large crowd In attendance at tbe Oakland Course yesterday to witness tbe trot of three mile heats between those two famous goers. Stella and Lady Ciawford As the horses were brought out Stella going to harnees and Lady Crawford to wHgon, the Tatter was the favorite at 100 to 70 with no takers. The result was a downfall for the knowing one's as the favorite was easily beaten. In the first heat both horses shot off to gether, Lady C. in tbe lead.

On the back stretch Stella went np and passed, which the did not resign, coming home winner of the beat in 8:16 first mile inSillVj, second 5:25. In the second heat another good start was erected, Stella, however, showing in the lend at tbe qnarter, and coming home winner tbe beat by a hundred yards, in Ltttiy C. having become quite lame, being a li'ile If me at tbe start. On the second heat Stella was the favorite 100 to ot). A good deal ot cuouey cnanged hiiob on mis race wntcn was a nutcti ior The Oakland Race Courtte ia be oo mini favorite place of resort, aud there will ionbtleea be quite a number of trotting races ipen it during th summer.

CP" There passed over tne lower of the route of the Canal aud Claiborue Street Kailroad Sunday, at uoou. to which Que Ico*king mutes were altachel, a most beautiful md elaborately finished car, constructed by Mr. John Stephenson. New Y'ork, especially the directors of this road. The car, al hngh precisely the same d'menaions a the other cxi'g upon this route, is liuicheii iu the highest tyle known to tbe art, with gilded decora 01 inside, and with beautiful landictpes and other views npon the panels, both iueide Kud ont.

On one of the centre panels on the outside is represented an ocean rie uni hip at sea, while on the opposite side ia a Mississippi river scene, with one of our floating palaces at a landing and another out in the treani. At a little distance, these sketches have all the appearance of first class oil paint iugs. An excursion in this car was impro vired yesterday, in which the President of the road, Gen. Labuzan, and a number of invited uneste, ladies and gentlemen, joined. The round trip, occupying about an hour's time, was much enjoyed by the company.

The new car, which is car No. 1, is to be placed regularly on the road, with two males attached' For the first time in six years the city of New Orleans is free from the presence of Federal troops, white or black. Last week tbe troops stationed in this city were ordered to Greenville Barracks, and the quarters occupied by them turned over to the A solitary sentinel pacing np and down in the broiling sun in front of military headquarters, with his polished gun barrel blazing like a mirror in the suulight, with here and there? a few more doing like doty, are all that are left in wh wy 4' armetl aoliiery witbiu the city limit. Iti docs rip follow I bat two person are tit to many because both are good. Milk good, end to is mustard, bat they are not good for each, other.

Vit "LET IT SWEAT Some years ago, just after the flash times in Mississippi, when there were yet tome remains of its banks, the branch of the Planters' Bank, at Monticello, had a board ol directors elected annually to take charge of its dead weight," all that was left of It. Among them was a lawyer, named Smith, who also enjoyed the title of bank attorney. No salary had been set aside fcr this office, which seemed to be wholly honorary, except that certain suits had been brought by him for the bank against its outside debtors, for which he had collected the usual commission. In the process of time the Northern banks began to see the necessity of making the directors pay also, as they had been the heaviest borrowers, and so suit was brought against Mr. Smith as well as the others, and by other attorneys.

Judge Buckner Harris, or as he was usually called, Old Buck," was employed in Smith's case, in which the defence Bet was up in part that Smith was the attorney of the bank and thereby entitled to receive a salary, which, if paid for the soveral years in which this honor had beeu held, would extinguish his debt. Iu reply, it was said that he bad been already paid in commis misnious on the suits he brought, which was all they ever intended to pay, and that lie had rendered no other services. This was denied to be true, and an instance was ci ed where, when there had been an attempt to rob the bank not of money, for this it did not have, except in the shape of its own uncurrent notes but of the claims in its vault, and the culprits were uuknown, he had teen consulted as to what course it would be best to pursue. The cashier was under examination as to this. He said that he had called the board together, after the attempt had been made, and that Mr.

Smith was present as a director. This was the only time he had ever known him to give advioe as a lawyer apart from the notes given him for collection. Mr. Smith was aeked, after all tbe others had spoken, respecting what would he best to do what he thought, as be was a lawyer." What did he say what did he say?" wa the anxious in qutry. lie said, replied tue ca inier, a very dignified and deliberately speaking gentleman, with very mild intonation, as he lifted his eye upward, He said we'd better let it sweat There are a great many cases in which the advice of Arthur Smith to his little old dried up bank, of which Old Buck" made such handle in his speech to the jury, might be regarded as the sagest and sound est, though it be not very graceful English nor couched in the phraseology of Black stt'iiol We have heie now a corporation which ought to go into liquidation, aud whose directory ought to let a good many things sweat," which it is proposed for them to co, especially such as aim at tinkering with their nances, or employing new hcbenies which only plunge them deeper in debt.

One lately proposed and probably the worst of all, because it is both demoralizing aid sure too add heavily to the tax payer's burtl.ens, is the lottery scheme. It has advocates of course, for there is money to be made by it, and advocacy will pay but it will add to the city's cost, all the prizes which will be drawn either by its projectors or their triei.ds, besides more and more accustoming our population to lottery gam blitig, of which we have already too much. The present hblders of the city hills are entitled to no special favors at our hands. Most of them bought it up at from 25 to r(i per cent discount, and wfll, withiu a reasonable time, receive it iu full They can invest it now at par in city bonds, if they a tor them, and thus have interest Theix niay be some who laid it by as sav itig but these are very few, for almost all Mit when tbe depreciation came, hurried to the brokers lo make sale No Let the outstanding city bills be brought in by the ordinary process of collection, ar.d let all who have city dues to jiay. pay in them, or let us give such as circle to reci ive them, the, notes or bonds ot" the city, sith rf.ierest, payable at some future da? As to every scheme which benefits the few at the expense of the many, tnko the.

homely advice of Arthur mi ith. and a it sweat LP The ht Rev. J. P. B.

Wilmer, 1) LL. Bit hop ot Louisi tnt, It it, the city Saturday evening for the North, mu riding to be preaent at the general cenven of thecbnrcK which will hold its tnen uiul session in October, before his return. He will, ih the meantime, make a complete viriuaion of the northern portion of his dio ere. The Bishop is a man of unwearying ubors, and does a vast amount of physical as ell as mental work, in which, as well as in dt oiiun, scholarship and eloquence, he is a exalted model for bis clergy. it should be a matter of special pride to Louisiana to know that its bishop is regarded, both in Europe and In this country, aa one of the leading men on the Bench of Bishops ia the Anglican Church, which his great learning, chaste and pure style, and exalted char acter as a christian and a gentleman entitle him to e.

Bishop Wilmer passed Sunday last at Jack oc, where he assisted at divine service and preached iu the Senate Chamber in the Capitol of that now used as the worship of St. Andrew Church, whose bouse of worship was burnt by the Federal iroops on the taking of Jackson. Somebody has riven utterance to the blowing scrap of philosophy, which, if it be i.ot good, is at least cool The poormaa's may be empty, but he has aa mgJofNld ii the sunset snd silver in the moon as anV Gen. Buchanan and thb Citt Cocncil of Jefferson Citt. A short time sine a petition signed by some 24C of the leading citizens ot Jefferson City, was laid before I Special to tne New Orleans lien, isncnanan, protesting against tne action of the present City Council appointed by Gen.

Mower, and praying that they be either restrained in their unwarrantable squandering of the public moneys, eta, or that they be removed from office. The petitioners alleged that the Council were not only violating the wishes of the citizens, bnt also that of the Commanding General, in their willful evasions of the city charter. The Council is charged with letting contracts in a loos and irregular way, tbe city in many Instances having to pay for work which ought to be paid by private parties, and with Inaugurating an uncalled for extensive system of improve menu which, in the present stringency of the timet, would result in rendering penniless tbe poor, in impoverishing tbe comfortable and in abusing the rich. They are also charged with letting contracts solely for the benefit of contractors, and with auditing and paying bills known to be fraudulent. Again thev are charged with bestowing valuable privileges on certain parties, among whom are mentioned tbe Elevator Company, aad the projector of a saw mill at the loot ot Marengo street.

In connection with the above petition to which the General has given his attention, we puhlieh a letter from him to the City Council touching some of the matters complained of'. Heaikks Fifth Militart District, Office of Secretary for Civil Affairs, New Orleans, La May 30, 18i8. President Common Council, "ity of Jefferson, (through D. C. Wiodruff.

Mayor:) I am instructed by the Brevet Major Gen Commanding Fifth Military District, to state, that a record of tbe proceedings ot the Common Council of the City of Jelt'erson, at its regular meeting held on the Hth has been laid before him together with a petition signed by two hundred and forty six (246) citizens of that city, praying for bis interposition with reference thereto. I am also instructed by the Brevet Major 1 r. to Airnt ik. fox. mil through yon to suspend all further action apon the subjects considered at the meeting referred to until subsequent insti actions from him shall have been communicated to it.

Very respectfully your obedient servant. 15. D. KEEI.KR, Mvt. Maj.

8. and Ass't Sec'y Civil Attairs. The Great Texas Bridge Case. Jadge Jerry Black, of Pennsylvania, who passed through this city a few days sine, is at present in Galveston, engaged as counsel for the defence in the case of the Bondholders rt. the Galveston, Houston and Henderson til road "known as the "Great Texas Bridge Case "now before the U.

S. District Court at Galveston. He commenced his argument on Thursday, and though it was strictly a legal effort, such is bis reputation as an advocate that tbe court was crowded with attentive listeners, many of whom were ladies. The bondholders are represented by Win. G.

Hale, Esq a lawyer of splendid legal abili ties and great erudition with bat very few compeers at the bar of Texas. He, too, is a Pennsylvanian, a son of Mrs. S. J. Hale, of Godey's Magazine, bnt has resided fot many years in his present home.

Considering the intellectual strength, discipline and resources ot the opposing counsel, and their both being Philadelphia lawyers, it may be said (in the popular version of the qnotation) when Greek nieets Greek then comes the tug of war. Itp All the city is familiar, by this time, with the fearful panic thai seized upon a large portion of the audience in the octagonal building. Fair Grounds, on Saturday night, jast before the opening of the tournament balL There was really no cause for apprehension The thin little blaae, it was evident to all who bad not lost their beads, could be, as it was, easily and readily extinguished and even had it been allowed to extend, with the design of burning down the baildiug, every sonl could have escaped without panning or driving. Still there was the panic right apon us, reason as we would, threatening for a moment the firm set nerves of the coolest and bravest. A gentleman seeing how appaliug the scene was becoming, while there really waa no danger of a conflagration, went to the orchestra and requested them to play.

The )ower of wueic is so universally felt that we need not. we think, say anything alont the ptopriety of this suggestion. The person whom be atidresred looked at him wi'h a face ol titter inditlerence, and turned away hia bead. A few seconds more the panic was over. Then the orchestra played.

cnvRf strsif. On Snndsy Mr L. A Seward presided for the last time at the organ of Triuity Church, Jai keen street, foing thence to Christ Cnurcb, street. The music on this occasion was a choice selection from many authors. The opening piece was from St Patrick's Mtsu," and So was the Venite," adapted to the "Gloria" in that mass.

Gnnter's "Gloria in exrelsie'' was sung after the psalms, down 'O! Lord, the only beuotten Th Deum was that, by Kotr hmar, a very benutiful composi'ion. which eudi with peculiar grandeur. We regard it a on of the very best we have ever heard. The Jubilate" was by Millard. At! the was sung with the ustril good taste iid expression of those acvmpli had artists, Mis Uenercs, soprano, Miss Wiotrate.

con Mr Meteyer, tenor, and Mr Amos Wheeler, basso, and by the not very large but very well instructed chorus of amateur lati who accompany ibetn. 1 be offertory was accompanied by the singing, by Misses Generes and Wing ite, of the 'Qui? est hom*o" In Rowdnis "Stabat "Mater." This is a very elaborate composition, touching and tender in expression, and requires both compass and careful studv to give accurately the effect desired by the great computer. This, we are happy to say, was don by these ladies, who thus take rank with artists of trans Atlantic reputation. Mr. Seward displayed unusual ability in hi mastery ot the organ, upon which he has few superiors, aud it will be a serious Ipse to Triuity that he goes from them.

We understand that they will make an effort to replace him with an organist of equal reputation, now in another The quartette of Trinity remains The vocalist at Christ Church will be amateur ladie of the congregation, and Mr BrSaaer, the present bass, whose very correct reading is so well knowp, and Mr. Tracy, the favorite tenor. Chnst Church music will doubtless begin soon to be as attractive as it ased to be iu the days when Miss ShutUr was pnmv or in those when Mis McLean warbled there, the acknowledged nightingale of New Orleans. Li" Be temperate in dit. Onr first parents ate themselves oat of house and home.

WASHINGTON. XTomlnationa to tbe Senate. Reverdy Johnson Minister to Oroesbeck Secretary of the Stanbery wfll not be Confirmed Attorney General. Sc ho field in the War Department. Washington, I.

Tbe President has decided to nominate, this week, Hon. Reverdy Johnson to be Minister to England. It seems to be taken for granted that Mr. roes beck will be made Secretary of the Treasury. Indications are apparent that Mr.

8tan bery's nomination to the Attorney General ship will not be confirmed. Gen. Schofield, to day, took possession of the War Department, and proceeded to die charge the duties of Secretary. YtDKX. New York Associated Press Dispatches WASHINGTON.

PROCEEDINGS IN CONGRESS Arkansas Bill Passed, Resolution In the House Concerning the Davis Trial Secretary of War Authorized to Employ Butler and Bingham. The Discussion of the Tax BilL Grant's Formal Acceptance. General Intelligence. Domestlo Markets. The Fortieth Congress.

was referred to the Corruption Committee. Toe resolution thanking Stanton passed. Henderson, Roes and Fowler of the Republicans, voting nay. 1 be Arkansas admission bill waa resumed, and after a very long debate the bill passed 34 to 8 as it came from the House. Tbelill goes to the President.

Adjourned. HorB Vnder the regular Monday call, the following were in'reduced A bill constracting telegraph and railroad from Wasbinton to Cleveland, Ohio. A joint resolution by Lggleeton, of Ohio, authorizing the Secretary of Wir to employ Bu gbam aud Butler to proeecnte Mr. Davis. A bill removing certain MississJppians for political disabilities.

A bill establishing immigration agraciea. A bill granting lands tor telegraph and railroad from Kansas to Santa Ft5. A bill for the better preservation of the lives of passengers by steamers. A bill restoring tbe office of Commissioner of Public Buildings A resolution continuing Yinnie Ream her room was tabled CI to 47. Van Trump offered a resolution that the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to negotiate with the Mount Vernon Association for the historical key of the French Bas tile.

now In their poseeseion, for tbe use of tt.e apt tot turnkey. The House refused to receive this resolution. A resolution calling for Information of arrests of citizens of Columbus, Ga lies over A bQl was introduced forbidding prosecutions of Treasury and Freed men's Barea gtuts for official acts A resolution declaring national bonds taxable for national purposes. Tbe Uoue refused to entertain a resolution declaring it violative of the constitution to seize private telegrams aud paper. The House ordered a receis from 4 to 7 hereafter, and night sessions to be devoted to tne tax bill.

Tbe Ui bill was taken up. Schenck made a long speech. He said I take occasion to say now that it ia not the expectation of the commiuee that the two dollar tax on writ Lev will be retained by the Houe. Had this reduction been known four months ago the Government would have lost four millions of dol'ars. I bave come very reluctantly to the conclusion that a redaction should be mvl Kcheui indieutrs the probable fax at sevwnty hve cents, at which rate with the additional taxes tn whitkey merchant and a capacity tax on distilleries he estimates the revena at seventy millions.

Schenck intimated tht i be increased tax on eigars would not be it. stated upon. Kelly favored that the tax on whiekey be not over forty cent per gallon. Adjourned. Gen Grant's Acceptance.

The following ia Grant ieUer of acceptance Washington, May 29, 18o8 Gen. Joseph R. Hawly, President of in National Union Repulnan Convention! Informally accepting the nomination of lb National Union Republican Convention of the 3 1st of May, instant, it eeerns proper that som statement of view beyond ta mere acceptance of lbs noon nation should be expressed. The proceedings of the Convention were marked wiia wiotUm, moderation, and patriotism, and 1 baliev express th feeling of is vreat Bias ol too who sustained the country through it recant trials. I indorse their reaolatios.

If slaoiad to the office of President of tbe Uailed Sute it will be my endeavor to administer all the laws hi good faith, with economy aad with a view of tivinsr eaaee. aaiet and prouitsoo everywhere. At time like the prevent Hi irrposeible, or at least ess in ally Improper to lav down a poller to be adhered to. right or wrong, through an edmrainaaoa of fmr years. Now political iasa, sot fcreae are const an tty artoing lb view of lb nb lic on oM ones are constantly raazigtng i orely administrative officer aboold always he left free to execute th will the people.

1 bave always rsmpecied that will, and al ways shall peace and universal prosperity. Its Mowerjo. with eeoLOmy of au samiraUWA, will lighten the burden ef tax anon, while it, constantly radioes the aaiiraasl debt. Let as bave peace. Wits great respect, your obedient asrvaat, 8.

Grot. Washington Xtesas. Waahixgtus. Jans 1. To Senate JnJl ciarv Committee report against Stsnbary's confirmation Ko i reeesi ehaorv is tbe nbortBarte i of the War DepartSMai is ooaUaa plated Kevtrdy Jobneua ta dmsuoom is conneo tton with the British miastoa.

The President baa asaigned Gen Suvnwraaa, under brevet rank, to ewmataad ra Vtrgteaa. Scheack, in bis noaaeial eapnaa to day esti mated lb total axptadiur tot lbs MX fiscal year at 000,000, aad tba rweaipta, from all sources, at Tk Radical canvassers at anbtral afeeat the city election. Ds ui ate asor ananSani of theraaolt vie do. BUaT wdd la von the isuxcrau by thrw lo five hundred. National Typographical Conrentloa.

Washington. Job 1 Tba Natioaai Typographical Convention, to day, si acted ttobwrt McKitchlie, of New York, President; Grar Sutb, of New OrleaihB, First Vim Prasadool, Geo. W. McDonald, of CbioasTO, 8com1 Vao President; Jao. CoUlaa, of Cincinnati, Re cording (secretary and Treasurer, and Wbs.

A. Turner, of Philadelphia, rrrtsponrflng rttary. Miscellaneous. London, Jon 1. Two Dublin editors, who have been imprieoDd for alleged eediikm ar title, have been relieved writ of error.

Loos, Jon 1. A large meeting was held hers to day ia favor ef opening Bajoa lant nac. A commute was appointed to ao company the Mobile delegation lo Looigvills and Cinc innati Galvmstvn, Jan 1. Qaorgs P. Dootflaaj, late General U.

Revena Tax Inspector, adit ted a short time ago by lb Grand Jury for complicity in the whiskey bonded Warehouse frauds, arrived here to day, and volun tarily surrendered himself to U.S. ALarshai Hjrne. Domestic Markets. New York, Jane 1, Evening Cottn market stead sales 860 bales Middlutn 31c flour "doll Southern 3 50S11 75; wheat heavy; corn very active at 2c decline; mixed Western $1049 1 06, yellow Wehsrntl 12Vj bmss pork nsw fit, old It 5(1; lard groceries qaiet tur penlin 47 "a 47Ve rosin $3 10 freights qmet aad auroangao. Savannah, June 1.

Cottoa qui el; nothing doing. Charleston, Jane 1 Cotton no aale receipt 136 bale no export. Mobil, Jane 1. Cotton, no aale; receipts export, 5 baJea Money, Btocks, eta Kew June 1. Evening Money very easy and doll: call loans 4 at prima pacer in demand at 66V gold Strang afidr a very steady day at 139 sterling on changed Mot Its active with' a general improvement on railways i Sob Trvasorr bal I 'l I rnAyuul.

Washington. June 18 en ate A joint ir7'. raaolnticn nf tha Ohio I oiritl.tnr. nvntarino against tampering with impeachment judges, coupon. Of 1864.

U04 of TO, 110L, of 18C7, 1134 10 408, 106; 1094. i Yesterday's Afternoon DUsaicbei. WASiirNOTON, Jan Daylight farmd ths voting places fc smarally cnrVed with dsv proe. The eUctioa is psvasrasr off ketiyr with the chaace favoring the Detnoerasa. I'ABitt, June I Napotoesm, with Kaaresi, are vimtiBg koaen After a grand and i avowal reception, thev publielv thanked the Hayes and municipality for relieving th poor danag tr wmvFT.

Rr4 via (Moth Cardinal af Ram. Kana. Icon said will ao asrver onr lew of I God from our love of country pah rRAKCiaco, Jan i Two hemvy earthquakes occarreed in San Yancco oa Katarday sight, which extruded taroovboat. rsevaaa. Atirgtnia vtiy SaiMtng roeawd aid th Popl fled.

Tne pumpe at the Baraga Mia asoyaedk Tbe miners thought there was a ear. Ms damage reported, Washington, an 1. At 10 o'elaek this morning th lVeeiSent eoedaetad fejehatatd so the War I Apartment. After th lsatrtssU left. Gen.

Grant visited tVcretary grSofi41. The Secat ie discaariag a rraol otiusi thank ing Rtantoa Lakcastes, Jen I. Jama BachatiarVaTsd this morafng. aced 77. London.

Jub I Tbe Mga. Narva, wits the new Cuba cable, la charge of 8rr Chart Brsbt. sailed to day. Nsw Yuan, Jan I Flour 10 10c lower. Wheat ld Jc.

lower. Pork dull and lower. t.h m. Monev. 45 etrliBr, 1104 fold, 1J.

old bonds, lit tmw, llzHt ItMOa, IOoMi: 7 r. i LrvsarooL, Jans 1 lleliday to day snd to morrow; aothng doing. Sorrrtwxrr Pass, on 1,11 A. MBaro eter Wtad ft. K.

aad light Arrived: Steamship I. C. Harris, Talbot, Biaioe, to C. A Wb tsey Co. Vtot rtifl, Jane I.

Vaed an Ksaaturk at 12 and Paroad at I P.M. ywsterday. Kotit t. ie at iu uw remiooo. iwm Magenta at 4 A Olive Branch at 9 A.

hL, atd I uiana at 2 P. M. yeeterday. River 17 The Sheriff of the pariah of Orleans II at a action this day, at saos. at th Merchant' and Auctioneer' Kxchaago, real estate, situate on Water and Dlu stiawa.

be tween Notre Dame aad alalia, rtrat aAauvS, and at i o'clot P. oa th premie s. Be ebus street, ttetwees Ttrpadcbora aa4 aaAlpo mene, same District, honeehoU formitase, eiev be advertisetneiit. try Metwrs. Msntsrotsary Brm.

A 43o will tell thie day follow 1. At II eloek, at P. Lmr aublsa, Gra vier street, elegaal saddl aad kanae horsas, work male, bogirie, bsraa etc 2. At 11 o'clock, st Old Asetloa Mart, 87 Camp street, a large amutmstol hooaehotd fnrtitture, removed tor ooaveaieacw of sale. Bnxs Rkcxivajsls ajts Book toouuNTS at Accnov Mswara.

J. H. WaJtM da Da lond writ sell to day, at 12 aUek ths AnrtioneetT Eaesssgs, Royal strtL for av eoont of ths sorts. oa of 1L Aifrwd Do) Soad, fnadry bill rweslrwbt a book acaata See advertlesmeaS. tv.

CF" Tnu yostsnUy, th let lost, KrJX'i W. himMon, a will appear by a notice which we Drint else bar, h4 tha foil pi attoraey ot Mr. Aug. Boon, of pur city. of Finr 13i LAA GrmX.

2taroauu. (Cot Eiliotic Sowing Machans. wvraniid for tares forai by jlTledzka, Cssal trvest. ty A rreneh Writer asrronomlcsj sab kM tflxed inv'gestiva to tts iEgratl li.i iVa aa narl, I Cda't GMiti JL Jsiaj can't, guess why lady 'a soops, whiuh Dak be looka he esvlad cririoxs. n.

7 i a 'i ta A 't I af i i' ai (, 4.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

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