What is Python? Powerful, intuitive programming (2024)

Find out what makes Python a versatile powerhouse for modern software development—from data science to machine learning, systems automation, web and API development, and more.

It may seem odd to software developers working today, but the Python programming language was once considered a gap-filler, a way to write scripts that “automate the boring stuff” (as one popular book on learning Python put it) or to rapidly prototype applications that would then be implemented in other languages.

Python has since emerged from such humble beginnings and is now a first-class citizen in modern software development, infrastructure management, and data analysis. It is no longer seen as a back-room utility language but a major force in web application creation and systems management, and a key driver of the explosion in data science, machine learning, and, increasingly, generative AI.

Python’s key advantages

Some key advantages drive Python’s success with beginners and expert programmers alike, so let’s start with an overview.

Python is easy to learn and use

Python encompasses a relatively modest number of features, so it requires a fairly minimal investment of time and effort to produce your first programs. Python’s syntax is designed to be readable and straightforward. This simplicity makes it an ideal teaching language, which newcomers can pick up quickly. As a result, developers can spend more time thinking about the problem they’re trying to solve, rather than worrying about syntactic complexities or deciphering legacy code.

Python is broadly adopted and supported

Python is both popular and widely used, as the high rankings in surveys like the Tiobe Index and the large number of GitHub projects using Python attest. Python runs on every major operating system and platform, and most minor ones, too. Many major libraries and API-powered services have Python bindings or wrappers, so Python interfaces freely with them.

Python is not a toy language

Even though scripting and automation cover a large chunk of Python’s use cases (more on that later), Python is also used to build professional-quality software, both as standalone applications and as web services.Python may not be the fastest language, but what it lacks in speed, it makes up for in versatility. There are also major efforts underway to make Python faster.

Python keeps moving forward

Each revision of the Python language adds useful new features to keep pace with modern software development practices. Asynchronous operations and coroutines, for instance, are now standard parts of the language, making it easier to write Python applications that are capable of concurrent processing. Type hints allow linting tools to analyze program logic and reduce the complexity that comes with a dynamic language. And the CPython runtime, the default implementation of Python, is being incrementally redesigned to allow faster execution and better parallelism.

What is Python used for?

Python’s most basic use case is as a scripting and automation language. Python isn’t just a replacement for shell scripts or batch files; it is also used to automate interactions with web browsers and application GUIs, or to do system provisioning and configuration in tools such as Ansible and Salt. But scripting and automation represent only the tip of the iceberg with Python.

General application programming

You can create both command-line and cross-platform GUI applications with Python and deploy them as self-contained executables. Python doesn’t have the native ability to generate a standalone binary from a script, but you can use third-party packages like PyInstallerand Nuitka for that purpose.

Data science and machine learning

Sophisticated data analysis has become one of the fastest-moving areas of IT and one of Python’s star use cases. The vast majority of libraries used for data science or machine learning have Python interfaces, making the language the most popular high-level command interface to for machine learning libraries and other numerical algorithms.

Web services and RESTful APIs

Python’s native libraries and third-party web frameworks provide fast and convenient ways to create everything from simple REST APIs in a few lines of code to full-blown, data-driven sites. Python’s latest versions have strong support for asynchronous operations, letting sites handle tens of thousands of requests per second with the right libraries.

Metaprogramming and code generation

In Python, everything in the language is an object, including Python modules and libraries themselves. This lets Python work as a highly efficient code generator, making it possible to write applications that manipulate their own functions and have the kind of extensibility that would be difficult or impossible to pull off in other languages.

Python can also be used to drive code-generation systems, such as LLVM, to efficiently create code in other languages.

Writing glue code

Python is often described as a “glue language,” meaning it can let disparate code (typically libraries with C language interfaces) interoperate. Its use in data science and machine learning is in this vein, but that’s just one incarnation of the general idea.If you have applications or program domains that cannot talk to each other directly, you can use Python to connect them.

What Python does not do well

Also worth noting are the sorts of tasks Python is not well-suited for.

Python is a high-level language, so it’s not suitable for system-level programming—device drivers or OS kernels are out of the picture.

It’s also not ideal for situations that call for cross-platform standalone binaries. You could build a standalone Python app for Windows, macOS, and Linux, but not elegantly or simply. Mobile-native applications are also not easy to make in Python, at least not compared to languages with native toolchains for mobile platforms, like Swift or Kotlin.

Finally, Python is not the best choice when speed is an absolute priority in every aspect of the application. For that, you’re better off with C/C++, Rust, or another language of that caliber. That said, you can often wrap libraries written in those languages to get Python to speeds within striking distance of them.

How Python simplifies programming

Python’s syntax is meant to be readable and clean, with little pretense. A standard “hello world” in Python 3.x is nothing more than:

print("Hello world!")

Python provides many syntactical elements to concisely express common program flows. The following sample program reads lines from a text file into a list object while stripping each line of its terminating newline character along the way:

with open("myfile.txt") as my_file: file_lines = [x.rstrip("n") for x in my_file]

The with/as construction is a context manager, which provides an efficient way to instantiate an object for a block of code and then dispose of it outside that block. In this case, the object is my_file, instantiated with the open()function. This replaces several lines of boilerplate to open the file, read individual lines from it, then close it up.

The [x … for x in my_file] construction is another Python idiosyncrasy, the list comprehension. It lets an item that contains other items (in this case, my_file and the lines it contains) be iterated through, and it lets each iterated element (that is, each x) be processed and automatically appended to a list.

You could write such a thing as a formal for… loop in Python, much as you would in another language. The point is that Python has a way to economically express things like loops that iterate over multiple objects and perform a simple operation on each element in the loop, or to work with things that require explicit instantiation and disposal.

Constructions like this let Python developers balance terseness and readability.

Python’s other language features are meant to complement common use cases. Most modern object types—Unicode strings, for example—are built directly into the language. Data structures—like lists, dictionaries (i.e., hashmaps or key-value stores), tuples (for storing immutable collections of objects), and sets (for storing collections of unique objects)—are available as standard-issue items.

Python 2 vs. Python 3

Python is available in two versions, which are different enough to trip up many new users. Python 2.x, the older “legacy” branch, was supportedthrough 2020, long after it was planned to be retired.Python 3.x, the current and future incarnation of the language, has many useful and important features not found in Python 2.x, such as new syntax features (e.g., the “walrus operator”), better concurrency controls, and a more efficient interpreter.

Python 3 adoption was slowed for the longest time by the relative lack of third-party library support. Many Python libraries supported only Python 2, making it difficult to switch. But as Python 2’s termination date loomed,the number of libraries supporting only Python 2 dwindled, and shortly before Python 2 reached its end-of-life, all the most popular libraries had become Python 3-compatible.If you are stuck with Python 2in a legacy environment, you have various strategies at your disposal.

Python’s success rests on a rich ecosystem of first- and third-party software. The language benefits from both a strong standard library and a generous assortment of libraries that are easily obtained from third-party developers. Its ecosystem has been enriched by decades of expansion and contribution.

The standard library provides modules for common programming tasks—math, string handling, file and directory access, networking, asynchronous operations, threading, multiprocess management, and so on. But it also includes modules for managing the common, high-level programming tasks required for modern applications. These include reading and writing structured file formats like JSON and XML, manipulating compressed files, working with internet protocols and data formats (web pages, URLs, email), and more. Most any external code that exposes a C-compatible foreign function interface can be accessed with Python’s ctypes module.

The default Python distribution also provides a rudimentary but useful cross-platform GUI library via Tkinter, and an embedded copy of the SQLite 3 database.

The thousands of third-party libraries, available through the Python Package Index (PyPI), constitute the strongest showcase for Python’s popularity and versatility. Here are some examples:

  • The BeautifulSoup library provides an all-in-one toolbox for scraping HTML—even tricky, broken HTML—and extracting data from it.
  • Requestsand httpx make working with HTTP requests at scale painless and simple.
  • Frameworks like Flask, Django, and FastAPI allow rapid development of web services that encompass both simple and advanced use cases.
  • NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib accelerate math and statistical operations, and make it easy to create visualizations of data.
  • Multiple cloud services can be managed through Python’s object model usingApache Libcloud.

Python’s compromises

Like C#, Java, and Go, Python has automatic memory management, meaning the programmer doesn’t have to implement code to track and release objects.Normally, garbage collection (for objects that don’t clean themselves up correctly)happens automatically in the background, but if that poses a performance problem, you cantrigger it manually or disable it entirely. You can even declare whole regions of objects exempt from garbage collection as a performance enhancement.

An important aspect of Python is its dynamism. Everything in the language, including functions and modules themselves, are handled as objects. This comes at the expense of speed (more on that later), but makes it far easier to write high-level code. Developers can perform complex object manipulations with only a few instructions, and even treat parts of an application as abstractions that can be altered if needed.

Python’s use of significant whitespace has been cited as both one of its best and worst attributes. The indentation on the second line below isn’t just for readability; it’s part of Python’s syntax. Python interpreters will reject programs that don’t use proper indentation to indicate control flow.

with open(‘myfile.txt’) as my_file: file_lines = [x.rstrip(‘n’) for x in my_file]

Syntactical white space might cause noses to wrinkle, and some programmers do reject Python for this reason. But strict indentation rules are far less obtrusive in practice than they might seem in theory, even with the most minimal of code editors, and the result is code that is cleaner and more readable.

Another potential turnoff, especially for those coming from languages like C or Java, is how Python handles variable typing. By default, Python uses dynamic or “duck” typing—great for quick coding, but potentially problematic in large codebases. The names of objects don’t have types, but the objects themselves do. That said, Python has recently added support for optional compile-time type hinting, so projects that might benefit from static typing can use it.

Is Python really that slow?

One common caveat about Python is that it’s slow. Objectively, it’s true. Python programs generally run much more slowly than corresponding programs in C/C++ or Java. Some Python programs will be slower by an order of magnitude or more.

Why so slow? It isn’t just because most Python runtimes are interpreters rather than compilers. It is also due to the fact that the inherent dynamism and the malleability of objects in Python make it difficult to optimize the language for speed, even when it is compiled. That said, Python’s speed may not be as much of an issue as it seems, and there are ways to alleviate it.

Python performance optimizations

A slow Python program isn’t necessarily fated to be forever slow. Many Python programs are slow because they don’t properly use the functionality in Python or its standard library. Novice Python programmers often write Python as if it were C or Java, and leave potential performance optimizations unexplored.An an example, you can speed up math and statistics operations dramatically by using libraries such as NumPy and Pandas.

A common adage of software development is that 90 percent of the activity for a program tends to be in 10 percent of the code, so optimizing that 10 percent can yield major improvements. With Python, you can selectively convert that 10 percent to C or even assembly, using projects likeCython or Numba. The result is often a program that runs within striking distance of a counterpart written entirely in C, but without being cluttered with C’s memory-micromanagement details.

Finally, alternative Python runtimes have speed optimizations that the stock CPython runtime lacks. PyPy, for instance, is a just-in-time (JIT) Python compiler that converts Python to native machine code on the fly. PyPy can provide orders-of-magnitude speedups for many common operations.

Ongoing Python performance improvements

The core developers for CPython, the default Python implementation, have historically favored keeping the implementation simple over trying to make elaborate performance improvements. But over time, there’s been a greater push to make Python perform better, and those efforts are now paying off.

For instance, the bytecode generated by CPython from a program’s source code can be analyzed at runtime and “specialized.” If a given process consistently involves the same type, that operation can be optimized for that type. Many more optimizations like this are in the offing.

Another major project, still in its infancy, is removing CPython’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), a thread-synchronization mechanism that’s kept Python threads from being properly concurrent. Removing the GIL is a complex project, since one of the requirements imposed is that it can’t make single-threaded programs slower.But a new implementation of the idea is now in testing, and shows great promise. It’sset to be phased in over the next few versions of Python.

Developer time often trumpsmachine time

For many tasks in Python, the speed of development beats the speed of execution.

A given Python program might take six seconds to execute versus a fraction of a second in another language. But it might take only 10 minutes for a developer to put that Python program together, versus an hour or more of development time in another language. The amount of time lost in the execution of the Python program is more than gained back by the time saved in the development process.

Obviously, this is less true when you’re writing software that has high-throughput, high-concurrency demands, such as a trading application or a database. But for many real-world applications, in domains ranging from systems management to machine learning, Python will prove to be fast enough.

Plus, the flexibility and pace of development that Python enables may allow for innovation that would be more difficult and time-consuming to achieve in other languages. And the language’s development team has an eye turned toward making everything faster with time.

When speed of development and programmer comfort are more important than shaving a few seconds off the machine clock, Python may well be the best tool for the job.

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What is Python? Powerful, intuitive programming (2024)


What is Python? Powerful, intuitive programming? ›

Python is a powerful programming language with lots of possibilities to offer. Clean and intuitive syntax, loose typing system, extensive standard library, cross-platform support, and many others. With its help, you can dive into web and app development, and explore emerging AI and ML spheres.

What makes Python so powerful? ›

Its high-level, interpreted, and object-oriented architecture makes it ideal for all types of software solutions. What's more, the language's emphasis on syntax readability, program modularity, and code reusability highly increases the speed of development while reducing the cost of maintenance.

Is Python an intuitive language? ›

Python was designed to be easy to understand and intuitive. It was created with the intention of people reading code as they do plain English, so it is excellent for beginners and there is a smaller learning curve.

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Most Powerful Functions in Python
  • 1) Map Function. If you want to process all items in an iterable without declaring a loop, this is your go-to function. ...
  • 2) Zip Function. ...
  • 3) Enumerate Function. ...
  • 4) Replace Function. ...
  • 5) Lambda Function.
Sep 18, 2023

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Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics developed by Guido van Rossum. It was originally released in 1991.

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Python is commonly used for developing websites and software, task automation, data analysis, and data visualization. Since it's relatively easy to learn, Python has been adopted by many non-programmers such as accountants and scientists, for a variety of everyday tasks, like organizing finances.

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Intuitive interface

This applies to both the software and the user interface. Given the above points, we can say that an intuitive interface is an interface that meets the expectations of the user, whether it be a programmer or an end user.

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Why is it so popular among programming languages? Python is the most accessible open-source coding language as it has a simple syntax to code. Because of its simplicity of learning and utilization, python codes can be handily composed and executed much more quickly than other programming dialects.

What is Python programming explained simply? ›

Python is a computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and analyze data. Python is a general-purpose language, not specialized for any specific problems, and used to create various programmes.

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Challenges in learning Python include understanding object-oriented programming, applying knowledge, and recognizing the need to solve problems. However, these challenges can be overcome with targeted learning and practice.

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Conceived by Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, Viral B. Shah, and Alan Edelman as a free language that's both fast and high-level, Julia is as easy to use as Python or R, as fast as C or Fortran, and removes the need to manoeuvre between two languages as it can be used for both prototyping and production.

What is the biggest use of Python? ›

Python is one of the most popular programming languages for data science and analytics. It is used for tasks such as data manipulation, cleaning, visualization, and analysis. Libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and scikit-learn provide powerful tools for working with data in Python.

What is Python best answer? ›

Python is a widely-used general-purpose, object-oriented, high-level programming language. It is used to create web applications, and develop websites and GUI applications. The popularity of the language is due to its versatility.

What is Python in one word answer? ›

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.

What is the main concept of Python? ›

Python has a simple syntax similar to the English language. Python has syntax that allows developers to write programs with fewer lines than some other programming languages. Python runs on an interpreter system, meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is written.

What is Python? Executive Summary | Python.orgPython.orghttps://www.python.org ›

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics. Its high-level built in data structures, combined with dynami...
It evolved from the ABC programming language, which Van Rossum had previously worked on at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands. Pyth...
Python has become one of the most popular programming languages in the world in recent years. It's used in everything from machine learning to building webs...

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Like most snakes, pythons don't chase after their prey. Instead, they are ambush hunters. They use both sight and smell to locate prey. Pythons also have an additional advantage: most have special temperature-sensitive "pits,” or holes, along their jaws that can sense the heat of a nearby animal.

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Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its simplicity, readability, and versatility, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced developers.

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Why is Python a strongly typed language? Python is strongly typed because the interpreter keeps track of all variable types. Python can be very dynamic, as it rarely uses this information to limit variable usage.

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Here's a fun fact: Python is the top preferred language for data science and research. Since its syntax is easily understandable and adaptable, people with little-to-no development experience can easily learn Python and use it to manipulate data for research, reporting, predictable or regression analyses, and more.


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